Herelle v South London Family Housing Association Ltd, CC/2009/PTA/0737 (High Court Chancery Division) 20 July 2010 [Not reported elsewhere] Perhaps apropos of J's recent comments on RSLs 'fighting daft disrepair cases', we have an update on what was a...
Social housing reform “consultation”
The heavily trailed (eg here and here), "cataclysmic" consultation paper on social housing reforms has been published by CLG today. There is much to digest and much will be left to individual PRPs and local authorities to work out. The "consultation" is...
Beedles v Guiness Northern Counties Limited (2010) High Court (Manchester) (QB) HQ10X02893 [Not on Bailii yet]. This is an intriguing case sent to us on the nature and extent of the duty to provide an auxiliary aid or service under S.24C Disability...
Suspended Possession Orders and Insolvency: with benefit of transcript
And as if by magic (thanks J) we have a transcript for the permission hearing judgment in Godfrey v A2 Dominion [2010] EWCA Civ 941, following our earlier note here. Brief facts - the assured tenant ran up rent arrears. A2 began possession proceedings....
Bankruptcy and possession – permission granted
North British Housing v Sharples [2010] EWCA Civ 539 [Not on Bailii or Lawtel] This is the second permission to appeal hearing on this topic that we have reported recently, after Godfrey v A2 Dominion (on which we are still seeking more detail). Sadly the...
Con-Dem housing reform plans
Cameron and Shapps have trailed a consultation paper to be published as early as tomorrow with a "plan to end lifetime council tenancies" (Inside Housing and The Guardian) and a "home swap scheme to help tenants move" (Today Programme and Inside Housing)...
Suspended possession orders and insolvency: request for info
We've been told that on 29 July 2010, the tenant appellant in Godfrey v A2 Dominion North Ltd was granted permission to appeal. Quite what permission has been given is less clear - our source says Court of Appeal, but the case was elsewhere listed as being...
Well, You Needn’t*
Poplar Housing and Regeneration Community Housing Association Limited (Poplar Harca) v Stephen Howe [2010] EWHC 1745 (QB) When we reported on Lana Wilson v London Borough of Harrow [2010] EWHC 1574 (QB) two weeks ago, we noted that another application for...
Ground 14A and Domestic Violence
The Court of Appeal has considered in detail the interpretation of ground 14A
Oh Brave New World
Eastland Homes Partnership Limited v Sandra Whyte 2010 EWHC 695 (QB) Following Weaver v L&Q and McIntyre v Gentoo, here is a clear indication of the brave new world of public law in which RSLs (sorry, PRHPs) find themselves. It is also an interesting and...
Improvements and rent redux
Hughes v Borodex Ltd. [2010] EWCA Civ 425 This was the Court of Appeal hearing of the appeal from the High Court decision on first appeal that we reported in March 2009. I won't rehearse the facts, which are in the earlier post, but the issue was whether...
Events, dear boy, events…
A couple of bits of news. First, John Healey, the shy and self-effacing Housing Minister, announced his intention to make unlawful sub-letting a criminal offence. That said, the DCLG press release rather jumps the gun by describing the sub-lettings as...