The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act comes into force tomorrow (Tuesday 15 October 2013) in England only. The text of the Act is here. A key point is the introduction of 'Unlawful Profit Orders', which get around the decision of the Court of Appeal in...
Article 14 in Hereford
A proper note to follow, but there has been a significant First Tier Tribunal appeal in a bedroom tax related case in Hereford. The decision is here (and also on the FTT decision page in the menu above). This is an LHA decision, not on the bedroom tax. While...
The (absence of) reasons in Redcar
You may well have seen or heard press stories on a First Tier tribunal bedroom tax appeal decision in Redcar and Cleveland. There has been a lot of excitable comment about it representing a 'landmark appeal' and 'hope for 440,000 disabled'. Even the tenant's...
Bedroom tax FTT page
As reports of FTT bedroom tax decisions are coming in thick and fast, I've set up a page with a list to keep them in one place. It includes press reports where no decision is available. Significant decisions where a written decision is available will...
Ye’ll tak’ the high road*
As First Tier Tribunal bedroom tax decisions go, this one is a corker. Glasgow FTT has decided that the Regulations as applied to a severely disabled woman who could not share a bedroom with her partner amounted to an unjustified breach of Article 14, read...
And another one…
Another bedroom tax judicial review has just been issued. CPAG are acting in a judicial review by Paul and Susan Rutherford. Their grandson, Warren, suffers from grave cognitive and physical disabilities and requires 24 hour care by at least two people at...
Westminster clear up
There has been a lot of excitement about the Westminster FTT bedroom tax appeal by Mr Surinder Lall (eg Guardian, CAB). As I mentioned in my last post on the FTT bedroom tax decisions, it was hard to tell what had happened by looking at the decision itself...
Changing rooms
Or Britain's vanishing bedrooms. [As I was writing this, the DWP announced it was to appeal the two (actually 3) Fife decisions that relied on room size. Details below] The bedroom tax First Tier Tribunal decisions are coming in now. And they are intriguing....
Bedroom Tax. Five Fife decisions
Just a quick note to mention that Inside Housing has a summary of the five Fife bedroom tax First Tier Tribunal decisions (and try saying that quickly), together with copies of the Tribunal judgments (at the bottom of the article). A full post here will...
Bedroom tax JR
The headline here, as has been widely tweeted/flashed etc, is that the challenge to the bedroom tax contained in Regulation B13, Housing Benefit Regulations (both generically and specifically in relation to households with a disabled person) was unsuccessful...
Gateway B and Equality Act – summary hearing?
A quick note on an ongoing County Court case that raises some interesting questions. (As it is an ongoing case, all apparent statements of fact are as set out in the judgment and should be taken as being untested at trial). Leicester Housing Association Ltd...
Bedroom Tax Judicial Review update
Just to note that the 10 joined bedroom tax Judicial Review claims (for initial details see our note) are listed for full hearing on Wednesday to Friday next week (15-17 May). The claims involve a range of challenges to the regulations involving disabled...