The Tenants Services Authority (the new regulatory body for RSLs and, from April 2010, local authorities) has been holding a "national conversation" with tenants, touring round in a pink campervan amongst other engagement techniques. The outcome from that,...
Equality Bill – request for help
As we noted here, the Government's new Equality Bill brings together various bits of anti-discrimination legislation and extends some of them. One area that is extended is protection against age discrimination, which is now covered by Part 3, in respect of...
Tenancy deposit alert, which is one of the approved TDS schemes, has issued a press release warning about, whose site purports to be that of an approved TDS custodial scheme. It isn't. Any landlord whose deposit is with...
And… relax
After the rather pressured posts of the last few days, time for a quick tiptoe through the Nearly Legal search logs for the search terms that brought people here that, let me be honest, are beyond even our considerable collective power to answer: law on...
Tenancy Deposit – variations on a theme
Legal Action May 09 housing updates contain a few tenancy deposit cases, which further muddy the waters... Seghier v Rollings, Bow County Court, 6 March 2009. An assured shorthold beginning in May 2007. A deposit was paid by Mr Seghier to the letting agent...
Unlawful Eviction and Harassment quantum
The May edition of Legal Action's housing updates contains a report on Khan v Iqbal, Bury County Court, 13 March 2009. Ms Khan was an assured shorthold tenant on rent of £650 pm. She lived with her children aged 15 and 12 She got into rent arrears. The...
Regulating renting proposals
I'm just in the process of marking what feels like thousands of coursework essays on proprietary estoppel and constructive trusts. The thing that gets me - time for a rant - is that my very clever three As students can't actually write a proper sentence,...
Emergency remedial action
In Luton Borough Council v Universal Group we have the first (and almost certainly last) decision of the Lands Tribunal under the Housing Act 2004 on appeal from a Residential Property Tribunal (or RPT). 15-17 Chapel Street, Luton is (or was) consisted of a...
Green Paper "within 10 days"
It's the little things in life which get me excited and, as a bit of a policy nerd on the side, it looks like a Green Paper is to be expected within 10 days if The Times is to be believed. I'd heard on the grapevine that the GP had been canned because they...
Tenancy Deposit – it gets worse
Hat tip to Tessa at Landlord Law for this. There are reports on various tenant/landlord forums of tenants losing Housing Act 2004 claims for 3x deposit on unprotected deposit/lack of notification cases where the landlord has returned the deposit to the...
Tenancy Deposit on 'Renewal of Tenancy'
Our grateful thanks to the Painsmith blog again for news of another Tenancy Deposit case (and for giving me something to write about in these case bereft times). This is a County Court case on the issue of 'renewal' of a tenancy that started before April...
Letting agents hit by TDS?
A recent blog post on the PainSmith blog illustrates a potentially nasty trap for letting agents (and useful alternative target for tenants) in the tenancy deposit protection system of the Housing Act 2004. According to PainSmith a let-only agent received a...