Watson v Simpson Croydon County Court 4 October 2012 Not a stunningly important appeal to a Circuit Judge, this one, but a useful case to be able to wave around on costs. Ms Simpson was a private AST tenant of Mr Watson, whose tenancy had become a statutory...
The Permissive Notice
Spencer v Taylor [2013] EWCA Civ 1600 This case was flagged recently on the Arden Chambers eflash service. This flash gave some bare bones details and led to much debate on the internal NL email discussion list. However, we now have the vital transcript and...
‘Gorry’ Regulations Guidance
In other bedroom tax news, the DWP has issued a Circular to Local Authorities on The Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Size Criteria) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 - the new regulations implementing the Gorry judgment on LHA and housing...
Don’t ignore the Court of Appeal
Or, 'It wasn't me, it was the bailiff'. Choudhury v Garcia [2013] EWHC 3283 (QB) (June 2013) [Not on Bailii. We have transcript] A rather unusual unlawful eviction case, this, involving as it does breaches of Court of Appeal stays of warrant, and High Court...
Mr Pickles’ brighter future for hardworking tenants
I didn't comment here on Eric Pickles announcement of a 'Tenants Charter' at the Tory conference because, on inspection of the DCLG press release, it looked like a burp of a soundbite, with absolutely no significant likely effect. I contented myself with...
Immigration and the PRS: Coalition Summer madness
The questions raised about how the Coalition were going to implement Cameron's proposal that private landlords should check the immigration status of their future occupiers have now been answered in part by the Home Office Consultation Paper, Tackling...
The BBC and the PRS
Last Thursday night, BBC 1 broadcast Meet the Landlords. It's still available on Iplayer, here. It just confirms my view that - save for limited circumstances - one person should not be allowed to own the home of another. Others may have different reactions...
Malik v Fassenfelt & Ors [2013] EWCA Civ 798 The idea that an Englishman's home is his castle is firmly embedded in English folklore and it finds its counterpart in the common law of the realm which provides a remedy to enable the owner of the castle to...
Gateway B and Equality Act – summary hearing?
A quick note on an ongoing County Court case that raises some interesting questions. (As it is an ongoing case, all apparent statements of fact are as set out in the judgment and should be taken as being untested at trial). Leicester Housing Association Ltd...
Deposit received, one way or another
There are still some questions to be cleared up on tenancy deposit law and this Court of Appeal case neatly deals with one of them, while opening up what might be a very large can of worms. Superstrike Ltd v Rodrigues [2013] EWCA Civ 669 Where a deposit was...
Shared ownership, Art 8 and A1P1
The entrepreneurialisation of social housing over the last twenty years has led to a diversity in the types of shared ownership. Of course, the standard leasehold type (what in the old days was called DIYSO) predominates, but there are a multitude of other...
The Shape of Things to Come.
In which two [now confirmed as four] Housing Associations behave very badly in anticipation of the benefit cap. Haringey is one of the pilot boroughs for the benefit cap, limiting the total amount of benefit, including housing benefit/LHA (and astonishingly...