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Keep the noise down

R (McGarrett) v Kingston Crown Court (Divisional Court, 8.6.09) This case appeared as a note on Lawtel this morning and there is no transcript available yet. Mr McGarrett was a tenant of the local authority. He had a PPO on grounds of nuisance hanging over...

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On the horizon

The Court of Appeal yesterday heard argument in Redpath v Swindon Borough Council B2/2009/0479. The case concerns the definition and scope of "housing management functions" for the purposes of ASBIs under s.153A, Housing Act 1996. We'll bring you the result...

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Not taking the hint

Just a short note about an ASBO case that was decided in the Divisional Court today - Birmingham City Council v Dixon (18.3.09). Imagine, if you will, that a local authority applies for an ASBO against "X". After the application is issued, but before the...

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Social Housing on Radio 4

"Analysis" on Radio 4 yesterday was presented by Richard Reeves of Demos and was entitled "Anti-Social Housing." The thesis is that social housing has failed everyone. Thanks to the Iplayer, you can listen online here.

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Closure orders

There have been two recent cases on closure orders of passing interest. The first, less important case was reported in The Guardian's Society pages. The hearing appears to have been an amusing event, attended by "a large group of sex workers and their...

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North of the border

Glasgow City Council v Mitchell [2009] UKHL 11 This is a Scottish appeal to the House of Lords on the scope of the duties owed - if any - by landlords in respect of the behavior of their tenants. It is a difficult case to read (at least for any English...

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Family Intervention Tenancies

From 5th January 2009 — in England at least — we will all be faced with a new beast the "Family Intervention Tenancy", previously alluded to by my colleague J. Since the last significant piece of the legal jigsaw was completed when the rules for local...

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