R(Pelling) v Newham LBC [2011] EWHC 3265 (Admin), 28.10.2011 (not on Bailii yet) It's fair to say that I have an unnatural (purely) academic interest in high hedges - my colleagues laugh every time I try to discuss it sensibly. I've always found it...
Ain’t no Cicero
This, the second post on the riot related possession proposals (the first is here), looks at an article published on the ConservativeHome website by Jake Berry MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary to Grant Shapps, and Tory MP for the gritty urban constituency...
Losing localism
Or, more accurately 'locality'. Sorry if that got anyone excited over nothing. As has been widely announced, the DCLG consultation on introducing a mandatory ground for possession on grounds of conviction for a housing related ASB offence etc, previously...
Wandsworth: headed for the naughty step?
As is now pretty well known (and as I noted in the comments below this post) Wandsworth Council apparently made a bid to bring the first riot related possession proceedings. There are some things about Wandsworth's behaviour that should be pointed out, but...
Evicting rioters: a brief note
As a number of Councils and Housing Associations in London, Manchester, Salford and Birmingham say that they intend to evict tenants involved in rioting (and Grant Shapps has jumped in to back them, as has David Cameron), we've been requested to take a quick...
And what kind of chocolate would you like your teapot?
The DCLG has put out a consultation, announced by Grant Shapps (again), on proposals to bring in a mandatory ground for possession for Anti Social Behaviour. The closing date is 27 October 2011. I had a look at Shapps' initial announcement back in January....
Back in the consulting room
R (Peat and others) v Hyndburn DC [2011] EWHC 1739 (Admin) is the first successful challenge to a selective licensing scheme. We've previously covered the permission hearings (here and here). It's quite a fun judgment to read, if only for the absolute...
Dealing, closure and possession
Hammersmith and Fulham LBC v Forbes Willesden County Court 14 April 2011 While we are on County Court proceedings based on drugs and nuisance (see the previous post), this is a possession case following closure orders and allegations of dealing. Hat tip to...
Mudslinging, evidence and possession of different kinds
Barking & Dagenham LBC v Bakare, Imevbore & Imevbore. Romford County Court 14/03/2011 HHJ Platt [unreported elsewhere] A county court case, but one with some interesting issues. Also a cautionary tale on being able to actually provide evidence of...
An opportunity to reform
Hat tip to Legal Action's Recent Developments in Housing Law for letting us know about this one. Westlea Housing Association v Price, Swindon County Court, 20 & 21 Jan 2011 An ASB possession case, successfully defended at least partly on the basis that...
Proper Crimbo!*
In More Effective Respopnses to Anti-Social Behaviour the Government sets out its plans for reforms of the ASBO and other associated remedies. In brief, the government thinks that: (a) there are too many tools for dealing with ASB and practitioners tend to...
Who you gonna call?
If there's somethin' strange in your neighbourhood you can now call... any of the persons listed in s.37(1), Policing and Crime Act 2009 (and not Mr Ray Parker Jr for whilst he "aint afraid of no ghost", he's useless* against criminal gangs). You may recall...