In case you are in need of distraction from the heat/the tory leadership contest/getting your first, second or third bout of covid/the general state of all things, may I present a small collection of judgments at which to rubberneck. None seem massively...
Excluded grounds of possession and subsequent grounds
Poplar HARCA v Kerr. Clerkenwell & Shoreditch County Court. February 2022. DJ Bell (Unreported, we've seen a note of extempore judgment.) Our thanks to Daniel Skinner for the note of judgment in this case, which is of interest on the argument that the...
‘The present proceedings should never have been brought.’ ASB and disability discrimination.
Rosebery Housing Association Ltd v Williams & Anor (2021) EW Misc 22 (CC) Our grateful thanks to Marie Paris of Doughty Street Chambers for the following note of this County Court judgment. Applications for injunctions under Part 1 of ASBCPA 2014 seem to...
The Queen(o.a.o Rayner) v Leeds Magistrates Court: closure orders, legal aid reviews and adjournments
In this recent judicial review (2021) EWHC 1964 (Admin) H.H. Judge Gosnell addressed interesting questions around closure orders, adjournments, Article 6(1) rights, and the refusal of the Magistrates Court to state a case. He declined to grant relief...
Misc – notice periods, evictions and an ASBi for illegal eviction
A few notes... As of 1 August 2021, the notice period for notices seeking possession on grounds of rent arrears for arrears of less than 4 months rent was reduced from 4 months notice to 2 months notice. Where arrears are of 4 months or more, the notice...
Not so full and frank disclosure
A case dealing with the duty to make full and frank disclosure when applying for an anti-social behaviour injunction without notice.
PSED, breach and ‘subsequent compliance’.
Taylor v Slough Borough Council (2020) EWHC 3520 (Ch) An appeal on the issue of whether a Council landlord's initial failure to have regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty on commencing possession proceedings could be remedied by later performance of that...
The things you never told me….
TJ v London & Quadrant Housing Trust, County Court at Central London, 18 November 2020, HHJ Saggerson. (Unreported, but I've seen the judgment.) This was a claim in negligent misstatement brought by Ms J. (For transparency, my Anthony Gold colleague...
Finally, lawful non-evictions
Why yes, we have been going on about the apparent unlawfulness of the Lord Chancellor suspending evictions by, well, just asking bailiffs not to evict people. We said it in the first place, and also when it was extended for the national lockdown. Today it...
Lockdown 2 evictions
Look, I have to be honest, this is getting silly now. On evictions during the now commenced lockdown, the Lord Chancellor, Robert Buckland QC, has once again written a letter to the High Court Enforcement Officers Association (and one has to presume written...
Here come the new rules, (not quite) the same as the old rules – Notice periods
In that delightfully wilful way that we housing lawyers have come to know and love*, the Govt chose Friday afternoon 28 August to drop The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Residential Tenancies: Protection from Eviction) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 on an...
Assortment – Priorities, and FAQS
Priorities In case you hadn't seen it already, HMCTS are publishing a daily operational summary on courts and tribunals during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This includes civil (County) court listing priorities. As of 15 April 2020, "Priority 1 – work...