The Housing Law Practitioners Association ("HLPA") host their annual conference on December 15, 2009 at the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Details have just been released (with more to follow later in September) and can be found at...
Draft Allocations Code of Guidance
DCLoG which, by all accounts, was cockahoop over Ahmad has issued a new draft Code of Guidance on allocations for consultation: Fair and Flexible. This amends parts of the 2002 Code and the 2008 Code on CBL. The new draft Code is obviously aimed at...
Allocations policies: Publication
In R (Boolen) v Barking and Dagenham LBC reported on Lawtel, the Claimant applied for judicial review of the the council's allocation scheme on the basis that (1) the council had implemented a "local connection" criterion into its prioritisation decisions...
Arm's length discrimination (or not)
Odham's Walk Residents Management Ltd v Westminster City Council [2009] EWHC 1712 (Admin) is not a housing case per se, but is of interest. The applicant, a TMO, manages an estate of Westminster's housing stock as Westminster's agents under contract. The...
The good, the bad and the aesthetically challenged
'Building Britain's Future', a broad Government policy direction document, has been put out and must be regarded as an early draft of the Labour election manifesto. As people may well have heard, social housing and the allocation thereof features in the...
Searching around …
NL set a kind of challenge. There hasn't been anything interesting I could find, but there is a kind of footnote to allocations by way of a circular issued by CLG under section 169, Housing Act 1996, to honour a commitment made to members of the armed...
Ahmad: the cup's half empty
As they say in American tv shows: ohmigod. R(Ahmad) v LB Newham [2009] UKHL 14 is now available and the Lords have done a pretty good job at destroying the jurisprudence built up by the High Court and Court of Appeal in Part 6 cases. The headlines are: (a)...
Allocations and Homelessness amendments
Before the excitement of Ahmed tomorrow, there are two legislative developments to note. Firstly, the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009, SI 2009/358, has just been published. It waives the requirement...
Ahmad: Wednesday
Just to let you know that the HL are handing down judgment on Wednesday in R (Ahmad) v Newham LBC, the Part VI allocations case. We reported the CA decision here. A lot's riding on this case - the first time the HL have considered Part VI - and the rumours...
Your name's not down, you're not getting in
R (Ariemuguvbe) v LB Islington (2009) QBD (Admin) 24/02/09 [just on Lawtel, not on Bailii yet - what's up with Bailii?] concerned the meaning of 'household' for the purposes of Part VI Housing Act 1996. A. had applied to Islington as homeless and Islington...
Alam v LB Tower Hamlets[2009] EWHC 44 (Admin) is one of those interesting cases that you get in allocations - well, interesting because a council like LB Tower Hamlets should probably know better than to have an obscure clause in its allocations scheme which...
Local Housing Authorities to build new homes… perhaps
Local government finance is a fascinating area. Honestly. Those local housing authorities which still retain housing stock are required keep records of their housing income and expenditure. They also operate a Housing Revenue Account ("the HRA"). The HRA is...