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Party like it’s 1957

1957 was an important year. Russell Endean became the first man to be out "handled the ball" in a Test Cricket match. Anthony Eden resigned and Harold Macmillan became PM. The Cat in the Hat was first published. And it was the last time that anyone...

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Westminster again…

In R(Alemi) v Westminster CC [2015] EWHC 1765 (Admin), which has been widely reported already (eg here; and all over my twitter feed), HHJ Blair QC found that Westminster's allocation scheme was unlawful in disbarring successful homeless applicants...

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Go away!

Johnston v City of Westminster [2015] EWCA Civ 554 A curious case on the effect of a s.198 Housing Act 1996 referral of a homeless applicant to another Authority. Mr Johnston had applied to Westminster as homeless in 2011."For 7 years from 2004...

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A tantalizing note

R (Faizi) v Brent LBC (Admin Court, 17.6.15) is only available as a Lawtel note and all may become clear once a transcript is obtained, but it is a very confusing little case. At the risk of overly simplifying , in England, homelessness is governed...

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If You Can’t Stand the Heat

I have been holding off writing this post as I was hoping for the Government to provide more clarification. Despairing of this I have been forced to trawl through the murky world of EU Directives…. The Heat Network (Metering and Billing)...

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Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

We were pretty scathing about the Conservative manifesto plans before the election and, yesterday, with the Queen's Speech, we got more detail of their plans for government. The Speech itself is available here, but what you actually need to read is...

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