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On the Road Again

With remarkable speed, the Supreme Court has handed down its judgement in Nzolameso v Westminster City Council , having announced immediately after the hearing on 17/3/2015 that the appeal would be allowed, with reasons to follow. The facts of the...

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No comment

Bounce message received for one of our email updates. I think it was this one (in which I tried so hard not to swear, but may have said damn. Also I mentioned Grayling). "Message blocked due to profanity content. Working with others we are...

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Not So Alarming

There are new provisions requiring smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in residential properties. This announcement has had an interesting genesis! The Government announced on 11 March 2015 that it would be utilising powers it had taken to itself...

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Rising Damp

There is reason for Rigsby to look worried in Uddin & Anor v LB Islington (2015) CA Civ Div 10/03/2015 [Lawtel note only so far.] This was Islington's appeal of a first instance decision awarding the tenants damages for breach of repairing...

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