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Enough already

My last post on the Hyman affair (at least unless or until something else interesting turns up) is just a pointer to this story, an 'exclusive' interview with Hyman's client. I had missed this on the entirely justifiable basis that it was in the...

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Hyman and Doughty Street

Doughty Street Chambers have a press release on their front page about Bruce Hyman. It reads: There have been several false press reports that Bruce Hyman, a barrister who has pleaded guilty to an attempt to pervert the course of justice, was a...

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Nemesis and cab ranks

I am indebted to Victorian Maiden (QC) at Ruthie's Law for the news that Bruce Hyman is to be sentenced tomorrow, 19 September. He may make history as the first barrister for 800 years to be sent to prison for perverting the course of justice....

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Oh the irony…

First, a tip of the hat to John Bolch at Family Lore for spotting that the LSC has increased its provision of grants to for 'legal aid' traineeships by 100, on top of the current 492 (apparently, but only 71 firms involved?). While the grants might...

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Quantum in Disrepair

I've been meaning to post on this for a while and have been prodded into life by quite a few searchers on the topic. The reason I've been delaying is that, frankly, it is a bit of a sod. Unlike the carefully calculated, quantified, actuarialised...

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Obvious filler 5

Time for another in the intermittent series of startling insights into human life afforded by the search terms that somehow brought people to this blog. Also known as a lazy post on a Saturday night. By the way, the campaign to make Nearly Legal...

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