Doughty Street Chambers have a press release on their front page about Bruce Hyman. It reads: There have been several false press reports that Bruce Hyman, a barrister who has pleaded guilty to an attempt to pervert the course of justice, was a...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Coming soon – Hyman, the Prison Diaries
So Bruce Hyman got 12 months for perverting the course of justice, thanks VM for the details. The Beeb has a photo of Hyman looking furtive, as well he might. That may be longer than other media people have received for looking at child porn, but I...
Nemesis and cab ranks
I am indebted to Victorian Maiden (QC) at Ruthie's Law for the news that Bruce Hyman is to be sentenced tomorrow, 19 September. He may make history as the first barrister for 800 years to be sent to prison for perverting the course of justice....
Oh the irony…
First, a tip of the hat to John Bolch at Family Lore for spotting that the LSC has increased its provision of grants to for 'legal aid' traineeships by 100, on top of the current 492 (apparently, but only 71 firms involved?). While the grants might...
Disability and tenancy – More on Malcolm
I posted on Lewisham v Malcolm ten days ago. Since then a couple of commentors have raised issues and Tessa has posted on the implications of the case at Landlord Law. So it seemed worth a further look. The caveat is that what follows is my...
Quantum in Disrepair
I've been meaning to post on this for a while and have been prodded into life by quite a few searchers on the topic. The reason I've been delaying is that, frankly, it is a bit of a sod. Unlike the carefully calculated, quantified, actuarialised...
Possession claims dropping? Not all.
The latest figures, up to Quarter 2 2007 are available on the Ministry of Justice site, link to the PDF. The figures show quite a drop in the Q2 figures for non-accelerated possession claims issued (including claims by Councils and Housing...
Obvious filler 5
Time for another in the intermittent series of startling insights into human life afforded by the search terms that somehow brought people to this blog. Also known as a lazy post on a Saturday night. By the way, the campaign to make Nearly Legal...
Yossarian -v- the Legal Services Commission
A few more details on R(Southwark Law Centre) v Legal Services Commission [2007] EWHC 1715 (Admin), which I mentioned a few days ago. First, it is worth noting that Mr Justice Collins effectively said that 'net rent' for the purposes of the LSC...
Tenants' Rights – The Book
I have finally laid my hands upon a copy of the new book by Tessa Shepperson, the maestro of Landlord law blog and old friend of this blog. The book has been out since early summer, so apologies to Tessa for my belatedness. Given this intro, I can...
Catching up – s.21 and tenants' deposits
A very interesting article by Francis Davey in September's Legal Action about the Housing Act 2004. The whole piece rewards a read, but two bits caught my eye. We don't do that many private tenancy possession defences, relatively speaking, so these...
Catching up – Disability Discrimination and possession
Time for some substantive law at last. I missed this one while I was on holiday and have just had it brought to my attention. LB Lewisham -v- Malcolm & Disability Rights Commission (Intervener) [2007] EWCA Civ 763. A very interesting case on...