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It speaks…

I have just had the great pleasure of doing a podcast with Charon QC, talking about mature entry to the law, the LPC and recruitment, and legal aid. I also made a faltering attempt to explain the tolerated tresspasser issue. The podcast is now up...

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Glittering Prizes

Not that I am at all obsessive about such things, at least not since I forced myself to keep checking down to once a month or so, but out of the allegedly 71 million blogs tracked by Technorati (surely less than half of which are active), Nearly...

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Now there's a thought

I was talking with a friend this weekend, one of the few people who know my secret identity. 'Why', my friend asked me, 'don't you have more about criminal law and practice on the blog?' 'More?', I said, 'I have nothing about Criminal on there'....

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A useful thing

Entirely thanks to Enquiring Minds, I have found Feedity, which will turn a web page into a RSS feed where it lacks one. Given the lack of RSS feeds for all kinds of legal and government sites, this is a very useful thing if it works as advertised....

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