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Hope over experience

Surprising being undeterred by the experience of the first podcast I did with him, Charon QC has demonstrated a generosity of spirit, if a lack of judgement, in doing another. We talk about training contract experience, smaller firms, and the...

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Lacking Support

Tempted though I am to get caught up in Jeremy Paxman's baggy pants revelations (and don't you just love the image of Paxman raising his best inquisitorial eyebrow as he questions the occupants of his gym and, of course, the House of Commons as to...

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Thanks Ed

As Charon has picked up, Colin Samuels and Diane Levin, law bloggers and 'sherpas' to the ever so anonymous editor of Blawg Review have asked for recognition of the editor's achievement in building and sustaining the review. As someone who has been...

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Human Rights for customers

Undertaken at the request of the DCA (as was), the MoJ has published the findings of its 'Human Rights Insight Project'. The BBC did a story on it, and the publication can be found on the MoJ site here. There are a number of things to cheer in the...

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After wigs, cravats

And we thought the sound and fury over whether bench, bar and solicitor-advocates wear or don't wear wigs was bad. From the land of more relaxed court-wear comes a debate over whether a cravat (or an Ascot, depending) is appropriate for an advocate...

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Exodus Part 1 (of many)

The Guardian reports on a survey by the Association of Lawyers for Children. The results are not surprising to anyone facing a legal aid future (although the survey was done before the LSC decision to terminate the unified contract). One-third of...

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