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Oliver Twist

Not being satisfied with putting the boot in only once to Caroline 'Workhouse' Flint, I've had another go, this time in a podcast with Charon QC, now available for your listening pleasure. I hope and trust that this is giving the proposals more...

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New news

I've been having a bit of a play. You may notice a new page tab for "Housing News Feeds" above. This has the RSS feeds of various housing related sites and blogs, so they will be constantly updated with any new items. Hopefully, it will be worth...

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Birmingham v Aweys

Hot off the press - judgment released today. Birmingham, apparently intent on suicide, appealed the judicial review decision in Aweys. Birmingham City Council v Abdishakur Aweys & Ors [2008] EWCA Civ 48. They lost, badly, on all counts....

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LSC Judicial Review Mk 2

The Law Society is (just about) to file the second Judicial Review application of the Civil legal aid Unified Contract, this time arguing that, following the Court of Appeal judgment in the first JR, the LSC has to address the illegality of the...

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