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World famous round here 2

Nick Holmes of Binary Law, renowned throughout the legal information tech world as being a very nice man indeed, has been generous enough to include Nearly Legal as one of his Blawgs of Note in an article for Legal Executive Journal, April 2008....

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Report to come…

I previously mentioned a Garden Court report on Omar v Westminster. There is also a brief Times report here. The full judgment is now out on Bailii and is interesting. Omar v City of Westminster [2008] EWCA Civ 421 (03 March 2008) on reviewing...

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On use and abuse

Thanks to a reader, I have just noticed that another blog, albeit one now apparently defunct, had used significant chunks of a post of mine unaltered, without attribution and as if the material was theirs. I'm used to the spam blogs that rip off...

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How not to pick a fight

Let us say you were a large US company, looking to throw around your intellectual property muscle for a quick buck by putting a licensing squeeze on small companies. If so, it is probably best not to pick on a small tech company headed by an...

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