Ahad v London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2008] EWCA Civ 606 was an application for permission to appeal from a s.204 appeal concerning a refusal of an offer of permanent accommodation. Tower Hamlets had discharged duty on the basis that the...
All the blog posts, most recent first
X v Hounslow
I have now got hold of the judgment in X v Hounslow [2008] All ER 337 (May) (thanks to assorted helpful sprites). [Edit 23/06/08 - now up on Bailii]. Previous posts on this one are here and here - this was the case that apparently instituted a...
Unilateral tenancy variation
Governors of the Peabody Trust v Reeve (Times report) Registered Social landlords cannot vary tenancy agreements unilaterally, save for rent changes. Any other variation of terms requires consent of both parties in writing. Unlike local...
Illegal Eviction and Disrepair damages
There were a couple of cases mentioned in the June issue Legal Action that are worth a consideration when looking at quantum in illegal eviction cases, and also to some extent in disrepair cases. Legal Action has the full details, but in brief......
Third party costs against Councils?
Very interesting post on Housed this evening on the possibilities of seeking a costs order against a local authority for a possession order obtained by a private landlord where the LA has refused to take a homeless application from the tenant until...
Adjourning pending Malcolm in the Lords
One of the three cases mentioned in S v Floyd as forthcoming test of the application of Lewisham v Malcolm on the application of the DDA to possession orders has been heard and adjourned by the Court of Appeal. LB Croydon v Wright [2008] EWCA Civ...
Repossession – tips from a District Judge
On the back of tonight's Panorama on the BBC about the impact of the mortgage/price housing market problems (available for the next week on iplayer), the Beeb has an interview with and tips from DJ Stephen Gould of Kingston-upon-Thames County...
A use for twitter?
Apart from being an entertaining time waster, Twitter might also serve as notification of updates on specialist rss feeds. This is, naturally, Nick Holmes' suggestion. So, as a first experiment, www.twitter.com/housinglaw should give updates on new...
On the naughty step
On the naughty step this week is Susan Orton, a conveyancing assistant at Harold G Walker in Bournemouth, at which her husband was a senior partner. Mrs Orton made away with £79,655 from the firm's client account over 2 years, after blowing £30,000...
Me too, Me too!
I am really not sure what on earth I'm going to do with it, but because Nick Holmes seems fairly sure that it is worth trying out uses for Twitter, I've signed up. As has John at Family Lore. Where it goes from here, apart from wasting time that I...
Interim Accommodation and Judicial Review
Lusamba, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Islington [2008] EWHC 1149 (Admin) concerned a judicial review application on failure to decide on provision of interim accommodation pending review of a negative s.184 HA 1996 decision. It...
Duty to protect update 1
Update on this case from Friday 24 May. No judgment available yet that I have seen, but there is a further new story on the Hounslow case at 24dash.com, which gives a few more details. Specifically, the negligent failure found was that housing did...