Assethold Ltd v. Nelio Patricio Teixeira Franco (LANDLORD AND TENANT - SERVICE CHARGES - ADMINISTRATION CHARGES - burden of proof - scope of costs incurred for the purpose of the preparation and service of a notice under section 146 of the Law of...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Waking watch costs and flawed reports
Assethold Ltd v Leaseholders Of Corben Mews (LANDLORD AND TENANT - SERVICE CHARGES - whether reasonably incurred - costs of a waking watch) (2022) UKUT 282 (LC) An Upper Tribunal appeal of an FTT decision that the costs of a waking watch were not...
Job ads: Coventry/Birmingham, Hammersmith.
Central England Law Centre Housing Solicitor / Caseworker Based at either our Coventry Office or our Birmingham Office Salary: Solicitor: Up to £33,565 depending on experience Caseworker: Up to £30,904 depending on experience Full time Central...
Clicks, pops and nuisance
Tejani v Fitzroy Place Residential Ltd (2022) EWHC 2760 (TCC) This is another in what appears to be becoming a series (see previous post) of very expensive but failed nuisance claims. I will not go into great detail, but there are two lessons to be...
Rent Repayment Orders – Upper Tribunal on calculating amount, again.
Hancher v David & Ors (HOUSING - RENT REPAYMENT ORDERS - house in multiple occupation - failure to obtain an HMO licence) (2022) UKUT 277 (LC) This was an appeal from an FTT decision to make an rent repayment order in the amount of 100% of the...
Job ad – Merseyside
Shelter Paralegal £27,896 pa pro rata (Part time 30 hours per week) + excellent benefits including 30 days holiday and flexible working Merseyside Closing date: Sunday 20 November 2022 at 11.30pm. We're looking for a results-driven, commercially...
On credibility and penalties
Lowe v Charterhouse (2022) EW Misc 8 (CC) A county court deposit penalty claim judgment, but well worth noting because a) a Circuit Judge decision by HHJ Luba KC, b) there are some broader points in application , and c) well it is quite the case....
Once more unto the breach
Dorrington Residential Ltd v 56 Clifton Gardens Ltd (LANDLORD AND TENANT - BREACH OF COVENANT - tenant's covenant to permit landlord to enter and inspect a residential flat) (2022) UKUT 266 (LC) An appeal to the Upper Tribunal of an FTT decision...
Job Ads – Camden, E & SW London
CAMDEN COMMUNITY LAW CENTRE seeks Caseworker/Solicitor-Violence Against Women and Girls Project Salary- £30,000-£35,000 depending on experience Key duties: This is a new post within the organisation part funded by the London Borough of Camden’...
HMOs, overcrowding standards and reasonableness of accommodation
Rowe v London Borough of Haringey (2022) EWCA Civ 1370 A Court of Appeal decision which has broader significance for considering overcrowding and whether it is reasonable for a homeless applicant to remain in accommodation in an HMO with shared...
Requirements for private sector offers in discharge of duty
Norton v London Borough of Haringey (2022) EWCA Civ 1340 A second appeal from a section 204 appeal of Haringey's decision to discharge homeless duty following a private rented sector offer (PRSO). There were three issues in the appeal. Haringey's...
No cause of action at common law for wrongful eviction.
Brake & Ors v The Chedington Court Estate Ltd (2022) EWCA Civ 1302 The Brake v Axnoller litigation reaches the Court of Appeal again, this time on the unlawful eviction claim concerning the cottage, which the Brakes had lost at first instance....