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New year revamp?

Albeit too late and too slow to count as a new look for 2009, a few changes are being slowly rolled out hereabouts. There's a new header and tag line (both likely subject to further revision), a new title font, a re-jig of the blogroll listing to...

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Man or boy?

"That is the question, easy to ask but not so easy to answer" - as it takes the Court of Appeal 40 pages (right before Christmas, thank you very much, hence this rather late note) to answer that question in R (A) v LB Croydon; R (M) v LB...

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Have a good break

Nearly Legal is on holiday for a bit. Don't expect anything much before early January. Unless, of course, something comes up, or a whim takes one or more of us by force. A well earned rest to all our readers, before a doubtless to be frenzied 2009.

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