Garden Court chambers have a note of a case called Dixon v Wandsworth LBC [2009] EWHC (Admin) 27. It isn't on Bailii, Lawtel or Casetrack. I know that some Garden Court people read this blog and if anyone has more information about it (or a...
All the blog posts, most recent first
The Basildon Endgame
As people may well have noticed from the news on TV and in the press, the last Court of Appeal hearing in the drawn out saga of the (unlawful) Essex traveller sites resulted in a defeat for the travellers. Basildon District Council v McCarthy &...
Alam v LB Tower Hamlets[2009] EWHC 44 (Admin) is one of those interesting cases that you get in allocations - well, interesting because a council like LB Tower Hamlets should probably know better than to have an obscure clause in its allocations...
How to get round the s.17/s.20 debate.
The housing/social services relationship is one of the "hot topics" in housing law at the moment and, before we come to R (on the application of A) v Coventry City Council [2009] EWHC 34 (Admin), a bit of background is needed. A bit of background...
Not another review …
Yes, it's true, another review has been published, this time of the regulation and redress in the UK housing market. And yes, if you're wondering, this was what the Law Commission did in their Issues paper on proportionate dispute resolution and...
In passing…
A couple of quick notes from the HLPA meeting this evening. Aweys v Birmingham is listed for the Lords next week (homeless at home and allocation policy differences in priority between homeless at home and those with no accommodation available, as...
Local Housing Authorities to build new homes… perhaps
Local government finance is a fascinating area. Honestly. Those local housing authorities which still retain housing stock are required keep records of their housing income and expenditure. They also operate a Housing Revenue Account ("the HRA")....
No no she's not dead, she's, she's restin'!
Newport City Council v Charles [2008] EWCA Civ 1541, The Times, 11 Aug 2008 [now on bailii] The transcript for this (factually remarkable but legally straightforward) case has only just been produced, hence the delay in covering it. The appellant,...
Right to Buy leases and service charges
Leicester City Council v Masters LRX/175/2007 (links to a .pdf) Pursuant to the Right to Buy provisions, the respondent purchased a leasehold interest in his flat in April 2005. As readers will know, where someone is purchasing a leasehold interest...
Retrospective CFAs on appeal
Birmingham City Council v Forde [2009] EWHC 12 (QB) was the High Court hearing of Birmingham's appeal from the High Court (Costs) case we reported on in August last year. In short, the appeal was dismissed, and the judgment of the Costs Judge...
On the naughty step – on tour
Nearly Legal's naughty step has recently taken the complicated, slow and interrupted trip from Norwich to North Wales. It is is with reluctance, several changes of train, and a painful recovery of repressed traumatic memory that we now find...
Ahmad v Newham in the Lords
R (Ahmad) v Newham LBC is being heard in the Lords on Monday 19 January and Tuesday. This is an important case on allocation policies and cumulative need. See our post on the Court of Appeal decision here. We'll report on the outcome as soon as...