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Looking at it from all angles

Whitehouse v Lee [2009] EWCA Civ 375 is a rare beast – a successful appeal against a decision on reasonableness in the context of possession proceedings. However, it merits close attention not only for its rarity, but because it also reminds us of...

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Belatedly forthcoming

May's Legal Action housing reports, as compiled by Jan Luba QC and HHJ Madge, are positively bursting with interesting stuff. Pretty much all the High Court/Court of Appeal cases and some of the rest have already been reported here. But there are...

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All in a good cause

The London Legal Support Trust annual sponsored walk takes place on 18 May 2009, at 5.30pm. Members of the judiciary, as well as solicitors, barristers and ILEX members engage in a leisurely stroll around London in order to raise money for legal...

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On the horizon

The Court of Appeal yesterday heard argument in Redpath v Swindon Borough Council B2/2009/0479. The case concerns the definition and scope of "housing management functions" for the purposes of ASBIs under s.153A, Housing Act 1996. We'll bring you...

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O(L)ivers Army

Defence Estates v L and another, High Court (Administrative Court, Collins J, 5.5.09) [2009] All ER (D) 20 (May) is - potentially - quite an important case on the ongoing Qazi/Kay/Doherty/Connors/McCann/Cosic debate about the role of Article 8 in...

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