Word reaches us that LB Southwark v Austin (our report on the Court of Appeal here) has been given permission by the House of Lords (or Supreme Court as it will be). It seems that the time of the tolerated trespasser troubling the Lords is not yet...
All the blog posts, most recent first
The Lords on Aweys coming soon
News reaches us that the House of Lords opinions in the appeal of Aweys v Birmingham are to be handed down on 1 July (Court of Appeal report here). [Update, Moran v Manchester CC (our Court of Appeal report here) will also be handed down on the...
Two homes, two MPs and an EDMO
EDMOs, a remarkable power given to local authorities under Housing Act 2004 to take control of an abandoned or unused residential property and let it (and charge the owner for most of the related costs of doing so), have been used remarkably rarely...
Kay re-stated
And the question of what Doherty actually means rumbles on. Central Bedfordshire Council v Taylor & Ors [2009] EWCA Civ 613 was the Court of Appeal hearing of an appeal from a Circuit Judge's decision to make an outright possession order and, in...
He can look after himself
R (Shoaib) v LB Newham [2009] All ER (D) 198 (Jun) [only available as an All ER note as yet] was a Judicial Review of a decision to terminate s.21 National Assistance Act support to Mr Shoaib. Mr Shoaib had claimed asylum in 2004. His claim had...
Would you credit it?
Some of you might have seen in the news recently some rather confused reports that HHJ Halbert at Chester County Court was dealing with various attempts by people to write off debts owed under credit agreements, see, for example, this from the BBC...
Take it as is or not at all
Ryan v London Borough of Islington [2009] EWCA Civ 578 concerned Ms Ryan's Right to Buy under Part V Housing Act 1985 and whether or not it had been deemed to be withdrawn. Ms Ryan was the secure tenant of a an Islington property. In January 2003,...
RSL meet HRA, HRA meet RSL
Well, well, well. Or perhaps well, well, oh heck. The Court of Appeal has handed down its judgment in R (Weaver) v London & Quadrant Housing Trust [2009] EWCA Civ 587 and, by a majority, L&Q have lost. It will be remembered that Mrs...
Tales from the pink campervan
The Tenants Services Authority (the new regulatory body for RSLs and, from April 2010, local authorities) has been holding a "national conversation" with tenants, touring round in a pink campervan amongst other engagement techniques. The outcome...
Pick a date, any date
It might be a small thing next to the likes of Weaver v L&Q, but Hussain v Bradford Community Housing Limited & Kauser [2009] EWCA Civ 763 is worth attention on a technical point. Hussain had a weekly periodic tenancy has joint tenant with Kauser....
Weaver v L&Q Newsflash
R(Weaver) v London & Quadrant [2009] EWCA Civ 587 is out (link to doc of the judgment thanks to Garden Court) This was the Court of Appeal hearing of L&Q's appeal of the High Court finding that it was a public authority in its housing...
Rent review (Megarry at last…)
Avid students of assured tenancies will know that the late Sir Robert Megarry wondered (in his work the Rent Acts) what would happen to a term providing for a mechanism for setting the rent that was written into a fixed term assured tenancy after...