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Boolen clarified

R (Van Boolen) v London Borough of Barking & Dagenham [2009] EWHC 2196 (Admin) Last in our series of updates is Boolen v Barking & Dagenham. Again we only had a Lawtel note to go on in our previous report, which left us with some questions. Now we...

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Changing Horses Midstream

Konodyba v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [2009] EWCA Civ 890 was an appeal against a decision that Dr Konodyba was not entitled to housing assistance as she was subject to immigration control. It turned out to be a cautionary tale about...

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HLPA Conference

The Housing Law Practitioners Association ("HLPA") host their annual conference on December 15, 2009 at the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Details have just been released (with more to follow later in September) and can be found at...

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Taxonomic revamp

As our archive has grown, I've tried a few ways to make it easier to find what people may be looking for. I brought in tags for posts, which should bring up other posts with similar issues (always assuming we've been consistent in the tags we use)...

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On the Naughty Step

Our non-lawyer/law student readers, or even non-barrister readers, might have to forgive us for this for this Naughty Step, but it was too good to resist, particularly for those of us - i.e.  me - still newly qualified enough to harbour memories of...

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Here be dragons

EPA 1990 prosecutions and the Magistrates Court. I am assured that stout housing lawyers quail at the prospect. And why? Well this High Court appeal by way of case stated, although not strictly housing related, serves as a illustration. Wandsworth...

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