R (A) v Leicester City Council and the London Borough of Hillingdon [2009] EWHC 2351 (Admin) (only on Lawtel) is an attempt to answer the "interesting question" posed by the Court of Appeal in R (Liverpool CC) v LB Hillingdon and AK (interested...
All the blog posts, most recent first
But everybody did it…
Serious Organised Crime Agency v Pelekanos [2009] EWHC 2307 (QB) Just a quick note to observe that this case - well off our usual patch - makes clear that a significant misrepresentation on a mortgage application that would be likely to induce the...
How many weeks make 8?
Doncaster v Coventry City Council, First Tier Tribunal 032/09/00932, 5 October 2009. A copy of the decision is currently available here and a gloss here. This was an appeal of a review decision addressing at what point a tenant is in 8 weeks...
A housing uncooperative?
The case of Mexfield Housing Co-Operative v Berrisford [2009] EWHC 2392 (Ch) illustrates the potentially precarious situation in which the tenant of a fully-mutual Housing Co-operative may find themselves. The facts are simple. Miss Berrisford had...
Unfair but not unsatisfactory
Morgan and another v Fletcher and others LRX/81/2008 is an important decision of the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) (aka the Lands Tribunal) on the scope of s.35, Landlord and Tenant Act 1987. As you'll remember, Part 4, Landlord and Tenant Act...
Continuity of tenancy
London Borough of Lewisham -v- Litchmore. 2 October 2009, Bromley County Court Since the beginning of replacement tenancies on May 2009, there have, rather surprisingly, not been any reports on cases involving the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008...
Way too secure
Gauci v Malta [2009] ECHR 1280 [Link is to rtf] Hat-tip to the Garden Court Bulletin for this one. Mr G owned a property in Malta. It had been let under a 25 year tenancy agreement in 1975. On the expiry of that agreement, the tenants, who owed...
Fixed Fees and CLACs – MOJ plan
The Ministry of Justice has published its 'Implementation Plan' in response to the recommendations of the 'Legal Advice at Local Level' steering group. The plan is here [pdf]. The issue is principally the effects on NFP advice providers of the...
Gordon Brown – the new Gladstone?
As we all know, William Gladstone walked the streets of London, even while Prime Minister (1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94), seeking out fallen women to rescue, whether they wanted to be rescued or not. What Gladstone did when he accosted a...
Not so much guidance, more of an exhortation
Back in our post on the 50th update to the CPR, we noted that there was a new requirement from 1 October 2009 for the Claimant in mortgage possession proceedings to notify occupiers of proceedings within 5 days of receiving notification of the date...
Accommodation pending review: Mohammed in action
R (Gebremarium) v City of Westminster [2009] EWHC 2254 (Admin) Thanks to the Garden Court housing bulletin for pointing to this one. We had to look around as the judgment is not yet available anywhere except casetrack. This was the permission...
Welcome to the High Court …
Welcome, Kenneth Parker QC, to the High Court. In a case which has more of the surreal about it, Kenneth Parker QC, sitting then as a Deputy Judge, had to decide whether to grant leave to a litigant in person to challenge Octavia Housing and...