Kaye v Lees (2023) EWHC 152 (KB) We've seen previous instalments in this matter here and here. The result of those was that Mr Kaye's eviction of Ms Lees after a charging order and order for sale was unlawful as the eviction was after notification...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Job ads – Bradford, Paddington, Southwark
Bradford Citizens Advice Specialist Housing Caseworker The Post-holder will offer housing law (residential landlord and tenant) advice and representation to clients. The post-holder may also be required to provide support in relation to housing law...
Homelessness and Allocation – unlawfully restricting reasonable preference
Khayyat & Anor v Westminster City Council (2023) EWHC 30 (Admin) A judicial review by two claimants of Westminster's allocation policy and its restriction of entry to the housing register to only homeless applicants to whom Westminster had...
Job ads – Wales.
Shelter Cymru Shelter Cymru exists to defend the right to a safe home in Wales and fight the devastating impact the housing emergency has on people. We help thousands of people each year by offering free, confidential and independent advice and...
Crossing the line – what happens when the Care Act meets housing duties
Campbell, R (On the Application Of) v London Borough of Ealing (2023) EWHC 10 (Admin) This judicial review concerns the relationship between the Care Act 2014 and housing legislation, in particular the effect of s.23 of the Care Act 2014, which...
A lift too far. The extent of the section 11 obligation
Anchor Hanover Group v Cox (2023) UKUT 14 (LC) (Copy of judgment here. Not on Bailli or national archive yet) A somewhat unusual Upper Tribunal appeal concerning the application of section 11 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, which ends up being about...
Job Ads – South London, Camden, North Wales
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP Housing Paralegal Anthony Gold Solicitors is a long-established yet still growing law firm in the top 200 firms in England. We have decades of experience and a modern forward-looking approach and are now considered one...
Insurance premiums and commissions
Canary RIverside Estate LON/00BG/LSC/2019/0277 (copy decision here via Leasehold Knowledge Partnership) This was the FTT's decision on an application by the residential leaseholders of the Canary Riverside Estate challenging the insurance premiums...
Job ad – Milton Keynes
BLACKBIRD SOLICITORS LTD MILTON KEYNES JOB DESCRIPTION & PERSON SPECIFICATION Name: Housing Solicitor (Consultant and Permanent) Job Description: Housing, Debt & Welfare benefit Solicitor Reports...
The whirligig of time
A happy new year to all. I was going to do a new year video, as per the last two years, but as rain lashes the windows and the daylight disappeared about 2 pm, the level of faff involved was beyond me. This seems a fitting way to end 2022... After...
Leasehold Leftovers
Assorted quick leasehold related notes, to be done before they go off in the fridge. Kaye v Lees (2022) EWHC 3326 (KB) The aftermath of the decision on a mental health moratorium that we noted here. In the previous judgment, it was held that a...
Ombudsman’s decisions and housing conditions claims
I'm going to break one of our rules (well, more of a guideline really) and comment on a case in which I had a role. I supervised the case, in which one of my colleagues acted for the claimant. It is also a report on a settled County Court claim, so...