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The famous five

News reaches us here at NL towers about five gateway B cases that are due to be heard shortly. Apparently some or all of the authorities (Manchester, Birmingham, Hounslow, Leeds and Salford), together with the government, were trying to get the...

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‘Ard en fast rule*

James v Birmingham City Council [2010] EWHC 282 (Admin) is a further dispute about the power of the court to vary an ASBO. A magistrates court may make and ASBO against any person over the age of 10 if it can be proved (to the criminal standard of...

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Undue restriction

We at NL try to keep up with the cutting edge of human rights law, even when it is a little uncomfortable. But hitherto undreamt of vistas of potential challenges opened up when we read this account of the complaint of Count Alfons...

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Notification of Nothing

LB Croydon v Shanahan [2010] EWCA Crim 98 Ms Shanahan was tried on three offences under section 111A(1A) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992. These were: Count 1 between 24 June 2004 and 12 December 2006, she dishonestly failed to notify...

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One for the surveyors…

Re Flat 3, 49-51 Cheval Place, London, SW7 1EW LRA/123/2009 Certain qualifying tenants of flats are, pursuant to the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993, entitled to acquire an extended lease of their flat in exchange for a...

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