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The people of the UK have spoken! And with one mighty voice, said "Um, errr..." (as of 8 am Friday) So, in the meantime, here is something that I wasn't going to mention, at all. But then I was told by some of the others that, should the highly...

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M not G

TG, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lambeth [2010] EWHC 907 (Admin) Or when is a child in need not a child in need? This was the judicial review of Lambeth's decision not to support TG as a 'former relevant child', he being over 18....

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Was this really a good idea?

I thought that the point of taking a preliminary issue was, well, because the determination of that issue would likely resolve a significant part of the case. In Paddington Basin Developments Ltd and others v West End Quay Estate Management Ltd...

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Upper Tribunal consultation

The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) is (and has been since June 1, 2009), the appellate body for, inter alia, the LVT and the RPTS. When it was established, it adopted the existing procedural rules previously used by the Lands Tribunal, its...

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