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A very short note about Wales

As we've previously reported, the National Assembly for Wales has been seeking legislative competence over social housing and gypsy and traveller law. The Legislative Competence Order has now been approved and is available here. It came into force...

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Comment Policy

We welcome comments on our posts. Our readers and commenters are usually a hugely well informed, knowledgeable, witty and interesting group of people. However, there has been an increase in the number of 'post and run' commenters just trying to get...

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Free Housing Law conference for the ʻnot for profitʼ sector Arden Chambers is delighted to invite those working in the ʻnot for profitʼ sector to a free one day housing law conference on Thursday September 9th , 2010. This conference will be...

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Serving no useful purpose

In R(C) v Nottingham City Council [2010] EWCA Civ 790 (available through the Chief's mystical powers and Lawtel [and now also on BAILII]), the Court of Appeal was faced with a substantive issue in relation to the children leaving care provisions of...

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