The LAG news blog is reporting that while Family contracts resulted in 'carnage' with an estimated 1300 out of 2400 firms being awarded contracts - about 54%, in Social Welfare Law the LSC is saying that it believes 'around 70%' of existing...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Succeeding to a joint tenancy
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council v Hickin [2010] EWCA Civ 868 Where there are two joint tenants of a secure tenancy, of whom one has left and no longer occupies the property, and the remaining tenant in occupation dies, can that tenant's adult...
What is a service charge?
In two joined appeals to the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal brought by Southern Housing Group Ltd and Family Housing Association (Wales) Ltd ([2010] UKUT 237 (LC) - not yet available via the tribunal's website or on bailii), the tribunal...
A very short note about Wales
As we've previously reported, the National Assembly for Wales has been seeking legislative competence over social housing and gypsy and traveller law. The Legislative Competence Order has now been approved and is available here. It came into force...
Lets all move to….Parliament Square
Hall & Ors v Mayor of London (On Behalf of the Greater London Authority) [2010] EWCA Civ 817 (16 July 2010) The case report on the appeal between the Mayor of London and various occupiers of Parliament Square Gardens has appeared on BAILII. For...
Comment Policy
We welcome comments on our posts. Our readers and commenters are usually a hugely well informed, knowledgeable, witty and interesting group of people. However, there has been an increase in the number of 'post and run' commenters just trying to get...
Free Housing Law conference for the ʻnot for profitʼ sector Arden Chambers is delighted to invite those working in the ʻnot for profitʼ sector to a free one day housing law conference on Thursday September 9th , 2010. This conference will be...
Legal Aid contract round – In the thick of it
The results of the Social Welfare Law and combined Housing/Family contract bids are slowly coming through. I am mindful that as I write this, firms/organisations in specific areas have not yet been informed whether they have a contract and if so...
Mortgage rescue schemes and Repos: Facts and models
Despite most of our concerned glances at the various mortgage rescue schemes set up by the New Labour government (see NL's review of Darling's Keynesian Splurge), Pickles' decision to review those schemes announced pretty much as soon as he began...
Co-ops, equity and void leases
Berrisford v Mexfield Housing Co-Operative Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 811 We reported on the High Court appeal in this case here. By the time it reached the Court of Appeal it had turned into quite a different case altogether. At the High Court, Ms...
Serving no useful purpose
In R(C) v Nottingham City Council [2010] EWCA Civ 790 (available through the Chief's mystical powers and Lawtel [and now also on BAILII]), the Court of Appeal was faced with a substantive issue in relation to the children leaving care provisions of...
Intention, intention, intention
Wright v Wright [2010] EWHC 1808 (Ch) is a near perfect example of a fundamental principle of property law, which we tutors seek to ingrain into our students (mostly, it must be said, with limited success, having looked at hundreds of exam...