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HB and IS: Breaking the link

Readers will be aware that, once an assessment of income and capital has been made for income support (IS) purposes so that a claimant is entitled to IS, a housing benefit (HB) authority is generally bound by that decision so that HB should follow...

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Sunday Misc.

Some bits and pieces from the weekend... New websites 1 The OPSI and Statute Law Database sites have been combined into one new site for statute: However, the databases are the same and the current estimate is that about 50%...

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Oh dear, oh dear …

Ashby v Kilduff [2010] EWHC 2034 (Ch) (available on Lawtel and through the Chief [those special powers again]) [edit: now on BAILII too) is about the proprietary consequences of the unhappy demise of the relationship between David Ashby, the former...

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Job Ad

Mary Ward Legal Centre Seeks a temporary Housing Solicitor to join an established experienced team to undertake a wide range of casework including defending possession proceedings, disrepair actions and homelessness appeals. You will need a minimum...

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Residing legally …

An interesting argument emerged before the Court of Appeal in Lekpo-Bozua v Hackney LBC (SoS for Communities and Local Government joined as interested party) [2010] EWCA Civ 909.  The issue arose around the difference between, on the one hand,  an...

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