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HHSRS, overcrowding and homelessness

I could bore for England about the significance of the HHSRS, overcrowding and their relationship with the definition of homelessness, as well as the significance of the reworked notion of "reasonable to continue to occupy" by the HL in Moran,...

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A post-Pinnock reading list

What does a potentially successful "proportionality" defence look like?  To put the question slightly differently, what are the contours of proportionality in the context of mandatory possession proceedings?  This is the question largely left open...

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A post-Pinnock question

In the early part of this year, there was a rumour of a High Ct case where Art 8 was being employed against a non-public authority landlord. The case was Quadrant Brownswood Tenant Cooperative Limited v White (HC 09 C 03494). Does anyone know what...

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HMO Prosecutions Round-Up

Staying with the prosecution theme, LACORS, or (somewhat less snappily) Local Government Regulation as it is now called, has published a round-up of recent HMO related prosecutions. It makes for fairly grim reading. The maximum fine for failure to...

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