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DWP Research: HB & LHA

The DWP has snuffled out (it seems like the best expression but apologies for it) three research reports on the impact of the local housing allowance.  Of course, these reports are largely out of date as a result of recent announcements about the...

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Power to the people!

NL doesn't have a vote in the New York gubernatorial election but, if we did, we'd probably cast it for the "Rent is Too Damn High" party. The performance of Jimmy McMillan in the recent gubernatorial debates has become something of a Youtube hit...

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Squatters make good stories

A squatters story in the Evening Standard caught my eye today and I can't bear to let such nonsense pass. The story (so we are told) is that a hotelier moved out of his home for a week while it was being renovated and, coming back, found that it...

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Teixeira and A8 nationals

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v JS (IS) [2010] UKUT 347 (AAC) [not on Bailii yet] Just a quick note on this Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) case, which found that the Art 12 Ibrahim/Teixeira rights applied to an A8...

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