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R (FZ) v LB Croydon [2011] EWCA Civ 59 -or- Not In My Admin Court We have written before about age assessments for those who might be under 18 - see most recently our post on R (CJ) v Cardiff CC and, prior to that, our post on the Supreme Court...

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Proper Crimbo!*

In More Effective Respopnses to Anti-Social Behaviour the Government sets out its plans for reforms of the ASBO and other associated remedies. In brief, the government thinks that: (a) there are too many tools for dealing with ASB and practitioners...

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Not quite a right to buy

Fineland Investments Ltd v Janice Vivien Pritchard [2011] EWHC 113 (Ch) From Lawtel. Not on BAILII yet. This is a slightly sad tale involving the exercise of right to buy by a council tenant. Ms Pritchard had entered into an agreement with Fineland...

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Who knew?

Two cases on a similar issue to report, one in the High Court and one in the Court of Appeal. Both concerned Section 202 Housing Act 1996 reviews and both dealt with issues of the notification of the review decision. The cases are not available on...

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What to review?

Nzamy v Brent London Borough Council Court of Appeal, January 26, 2011 [Arden eflash 420. Not on Bailii yet, but we've seen a transcript of the extempore judgment] The appellant and family were in permanent accomodation provided by Brent following...

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