Heartpride Ltd v Sawhney (2011) Ch D 12/5/2011 [Note on Lawtel, not elsewhere] A case on notices of rent increase for a Rent Act tenancy given under Rent Act 1977 s.45(3). H, the landlord, had served a notice of rent increase on S, the tenant, on...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Judicial review costs redux
We've seen reports of a case called R (Ambrose) v City of Westminster (Admin Court 13 May 2011. Not on Bailii or reported elsewhere so far). It was a judicial review of a refusal to provide interim accommodation pending review. Westminster had...
Ground Rent notification
I’ve just noticed that the Government amended the wording for Ground Rent demands (s.166, 2002 Act) on April 26, 2011 (see here: http://www.info4local.gov.uk/documents/publications/1905195). The change is in para. 3 of the Notes for Leaseholders....
This doesn’t end here…
Jean-Paul and another v LB Southwark [2011] UKUT 178 (LC) is, I suspect, going to cause some difficulties for LVTs (and lawyers) up and down the country. It concerns two points. When are costs "incurred" for the purposes of s.20B, Landlord and...
Someone to watch over me
R (Nassery) v London Borough of Brent [2011] EWCA Civ 539 This was the appeal of a judicial review of Brent's decision on provision of care and accommodation under section 21 National Assistance Act 1948. Mr N was an Iranian asylum seeker (granted...
In the Consulting Room
R (Baron, Peat & Othrs) v Hyndburn District Council, Administrative Court, Manchester District Registry, 14 April 2011 (Not on BAILII as yet) J has previously alluded to this case involving an application for permission for Judicial Review of a...
Only Connect
TG, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lambeth (Shelter Intervening) [2011] EWCA Civ 526 The disconnection between Local Authority Social Services and housing departments has been a frequent topic here and in the courts, not least in the...
Not So Protected
Potts v Densley & Anor [2011] EWHC 1144 (QB) Another case on tenancy deposit protection has hit the High Court, with a rather strange outcome. P was the tenant of D and another party. The deposit was not protected during the tenancy. This was...
Service charges and legal costs: am I missing something?
Forgive me for what may turn out to be a silly question, but this is something I've been thinking about recently and wanted to see what everyone else thought. Leasehold property and legal costs A well-drafted lease will usually contain a provision...
Subletting and Pt 6 waiting time on Iplayer
People who unlawfully sublet social housing (often at a vast profit) are, in my view, dishonest and immoral fraudsters who deserve a range of punishments too awful for a family-friendly blog like this to describe. I suspect that the makers of...
Lease without end?
Ferreira v Portugal App No 41696/07 (21/12/2010) [Link is to judgment in French, the only available version. Update 4/5/2011 - link now works. Can't link properly to ECtHR site.] We're indebted to Legal Action's 'Recent Developments in housing law'...
If you’ve had problems with the site lately…
If you've been using Internet Explorer and have had problems with the site over the last few days (it looked odd, or pages were reloading themselves, or you were getting blank pages, for instance), my apologies. I don't use IE so I didn't notice...