Potts v Densley & Anor [2011] EWHC 1144 (QB) Another case on tenancy deposit protection has hit the High Court, with a rather strange outcome. P was the tenant of D and another party. The deposit was not protected during the tenancy. This was...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Service charges and legal costs: am I missing something?
Forgive me for what may turn out to be a silly question, but this is something I've been thinking about recently and wanted to see what everyone else thought. Leasehold property and legal costs A well-drafted lease will usually contain a provision...
Subletting and Pt 6 waiting time on Iplayer
People who unlawfully sublet social housing (often at a vast profit) are, in my view, dishonest and immoral fraudsters who deserve a range of punishments too awful for a family-friendly blog like this to describe. I suspect that the makers of...
Lease without end?
Ferreira v Portugal App No 41696/07 (21/12/2010) [Link is to judgment in French, the only available version. Update 4/5/2011 - link now works. Can't link properly to ECtHR site.] We're indebted to Legal Action's 'Recent Developments in housing law'...
If you’ve had problems with the site lately…
If you've been using Internet Explorer and have had problems with the site over the last few days (it looked odd, or pages were reloading themselves, or you were getting blank pages, for instance), my apologies. I don't use IE so I didn't notice...
My place, not yours
R (MK & Anor) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (2011) CA (Civ Div) 14/4/2011 [Not on bailii, only a case note on lawtel]. Sorry to be late getting to this one, I was hoping that a full transcript would become available. It hasn't so I'm...
This afternoon, after having agreed several times that the newly en-Duchessed Catherine's dress did indeed resemble a fusion of those of Grace Kelly and Princess Margaret but that it was unclear what this portended, apart from the wisdom of staying...
Pots and kettles
I've been reading Morag McDermont's recent book on the history of the housing association sector and the National Housing Federation, Governing, Independence and Expertise: The Business of Housing Associations. It's a cracking read and much...
Its Cold In There
Bristol City Council v Aldfrod Two LLP [2011] UKUT 130 (LC) The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has recently ruled on the proper use of improvement notices under the HHSRS. When I say recent I should actually say a little while ago. You can blame...
Permission and costs
Cockett v Moore [2011] EWCA Civ 493 (Casetrack only; noted on the GC Bulletin). The Court of Appeal has refused permission to appeal in this costs dispute. Mr Moore was the tenant of Ms Cockett in a one bed flat. There appear to have been a series...
Eviction without notice or permission
Pritchard & Ors v Teitelbaum & Ors [2011] EWHC 1063 (Ch) This case forms part of the aftermath of Fineland Investments Ltd v Janice Vivien Pritchard [2011] EWHC 113 (Ch) (our report here). It appears that Ms Pritchard was not going to take...
Cock up, not conspiracy…
Allen v Southwark LBC [No.2] [2011] EWCA Civ 470 I haven't been able to find a report on this case, save for a note in the Garden Court Housing Law Bulletin for 26 April 2011. If anyone has a transcript, we'd be very keen to see it. This looks like...