As a number of Councils and Housing Associations in London, Manchester, Salford and Birmingham say that they intend to evict tenants involved in rioting (and Grant Shapps has jumped in to back them, as has David Cameron), we've been requested to...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Under a bit of pressure…
For the last couple of days - and ongoing - we have been getting vast quantities of comment spam, over 1,000 per day. 99.99% are automatically filtered out by our defences and I mop up the rest. However it has a couple of consequences. I usually...
Not Ashored
Awful title due to NL himself. Mew v Tristmire concerned whether or not two "houseboats" were "dwelling houses let as separate dwellings" as required in section 1 of the Housing Act 1988 in order for them to be assured tenancies. The "houseboats"...
And what kind of chocolate would you like your teapot?
The DCLG has put out a consultation, announced by Grant Shapps (again), on proposals to bring in a mandatory ground for possession for Anti Social Behaviour. The closing date is 27 October 2011. I had a look at Shapps' initial announcement back in...
Road noise, loss of value and human rights
Thomas & Ors v Bridgend County Borough Council [2011] EWCA Civ 862 This Court of Appeal case might be rather limited on its facts, but there are some broader issues and it is interesting. The appeal was of a preliminary issue, whether the...
Genuinely exciting
I've been away at a stag weekend for the last few days. I therefore recognise that it is possible that my sense of what is (and is not) exciting and fun may be slightly warped, as I try to re-adjust to polite society. I was, however, genuinely...
Tenancy deposit penalties awarded!
There are two appeals on cases involving claims for the return of deposits and the three times penalty in both of which - astonishingly, given the recent history of High Court and Court of Appeal decisions - the tenant was awarded the penalty. We...
Never Mind the Boxall
Bahta & Ors, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department & Ors [2011] EWCA Civ 895 This is not a housing case, but it is an important case on costs in settled claims for judicial review, which is a major issue for...
Homelessness, Workers and ‘effective employment’
Falastin Amin v Brent LBC, Wandsworth County Court 2011 A county court s.204 appeal on the issue of eligibility of an EU citizen as a 'wroker'. While it is not binding, it sets out a clear position which, given the involvement of Minos Perdios in...
X & Y v UK settled without hearing
X, Y & Z v the United Kingdom - 32666/10 [2011] ECHR 1199 The long and sorry story of X & Y v Hounslow appears to have reached an end. As you will recall, this was the case that resulted from the horrendous abuse of two highly vulnerable...
The Localism Bill: Rush, rush, rush …
It is certainly not a truism that legislation which is given the closest possible scrutiny is thereafter free from doubt - consider, for example, the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989, which we always used to call the mysterious...
Possession and disability: The reach of ss 49A DDA & 149 EA
In Barnsley MBC v Norton [2011] EWCA Civ 834, the Court of Appeal considered the application of section 49A(1)(d), Disability Discrimination Act 1995, to the decision of Barnsley to seek and obtain a possession order against Mr Norton and his...