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Tibbles the Destroyer

The Stephens Island Wren is no more. It has gone. Extinct. Wiped out. Destroyed. And, at least according to folklore, by a cat named Tibbles. That's not really relevant to the case of Tibbles v SIG Plc [2012] EWCA Civ 518, but, as this is my blog...

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Any answers?

The April edition of Legal Action brings news that Hurst v UK has settled. As will be seen from the ECtHR’s Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties Hurst involved a secure tenant who murdered a neighbour, the applicant’s son, during the...

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Stick or Twist

R (MD)(Afghanistan) v Secretary of State [2012] EWCA Civ 194 is an immigration case but merits wider attention because of what it has to say about the interplay between renewing a judicial review claim and appeals. MD was an asylum seeker. The...

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A taxing question

Macattram v Camden London Borough Council (2012) QBD (Admin) On Lawtel but no on BAILII This is an interesting little problem involving the payment of Council Tax. The landlord had rented the property to the Council. They had used it to house...

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