De Almeida, R (on the application of) v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [2012] EWHC 1082 (Admin) This was a judicial review of RBK&C's refusal to provide support under s.21 and s.29 National Assistance Act 1948 and indeed to carry out an...
All the blog posts, most recent first
The tenant is dead, long live the tenant
Our attention was drawn to a decision in the Medway County Court, presumably because it considered a proportionality defence. I'm not sure there's much to see there — one of the team said that he was not "remotely excited about it". But it...
Reasonable houses ad nauseum, ad infinitum
Magnohard Ltd v Cadogan and others [2012] EWCA Civ 594 is yet another case dealing with whether a property can be a "house reasonably so called" and, hence, capable of being enfranchised under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967. There is quite a lot of...
Tibbles the Destroyer
The Stephens Island Wren is no more. It has gone. Extinct. Wiped out. Destroyed. And, at least according to folklore, by a cat named Tibbles. That's not really relevant to the case of Tibbles v SIG Plc [2012] EWCA Civ 518, but, as this is my blog...
Any answers?
The April edition of Legal Action brings news that Hurst v UK has settled. As will be seen from the ECtHR’s Statement of Facts and Questions to the Parties Hurst involved a secure tenant who murdered a neighbour, the applicant’s son, during the...
The Short March for access to justice
Alongside such luminaries as the Lord Chief Justice, The Master of the Rolls, The Presidents of The Law Society and ILEX and the Chairman of the Bar, a couple of the Nearly Legal team are taking part in the London Legal Walk on 21 May 2012. This...
Proportionality, Section 21 and starter tenancies
Another RSL 'starter tenancy' and s.21 case, albeit one that marginally pre-dated West Kent HA v Haycraft, is The Riverside Group Limited - v – Sharon Thomas [2012] EWHC 169 (QB) 2 March 2012 (Manchester District Registry) [Not on Bailii. We've...
Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Nominations
The 2012 Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year nominations are open. In this difficult time for legal aid, what better than to celebrate the passion and commitment of those working in legal aid practice? Do you know someone or a practice whose work should...
Stick or Twist
R (MD)(Afghanistan) v Secretary of State [2012] EWCA Civ 194 is an immigration case but merits wider attention because of what it has to say about the interplay between renewing a judicial review claim and appeals. MD was an asylum seeker. The...
A taxing question
Macattram v Camden London Borough Council (2012) QBD (Admin) On Lawtel but no on BAILII This is an interesting little problem involving the payment of Council Tax. The landlord had rented the property to the Council. They had used it to house...
Doomed, Doomed I tell you.
As an illustration of how complex housing law has become, and how difficult for a litigant in person, comes Sheppard v London Borough of Richmond-Upon-Thames [2012] EWCA Civ 302. This was a failed permission for second appeal to the Court of...
“About to be in need” and prospective care assessment
This is a quick note on the effect of NM, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Islington & Ors [2012] EWHC 414 (Admin) on when a Council is required to carry out an assessment under section 47 of the National Health Service...