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Out of Area Placements

Shelter has recently issued its 2012 statistics of homeless households who were temporarily accommodated outside London. 31 London councils provided data, which have revealed that out of 11513 households, 120 (or 1%) were accommodated more than 20...

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Too soon?

Unusually, this is a published Judicial Review permission decision. Further, Anthony Thornton QC J has 'certified that this judgment may be cited and referred to in other cases or situations. This direction is made pursuant to paragraph 6.1 of the...

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Let’s Not Move to Wales…

...says the RLA. Personally I remain convinced that it is a lovely place and we should all move immediately. Why is the RLA less keen you might well ask. Well, the Welsh Government has today published the White Paper I response to the recent...

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Priority need

Hotak v Southwark LBC [2013] EWCA Civ 515 concerned a short point on whether an authority was entitled to have regard to the assistance that a homeless person would receive, in the event he became homeless, when determining whether he was...

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Ambling for Justice

We here at Nearly Legal don't just sit around staring at the ever increasing backlog of cases to write up. Oh no. We do other things too. One of the other things some of us are doing is the London Legal Walk on Monday 20 May. The aim of the walk is...

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Being civil

Morshead Mansions has been involved in a quite astonishing amount of litigation. Bailii throws up 13 hits (here), cases in the LVT, Lands Tribunal, High Court and Court of Appeal. It's really must be the most awful burden on all those involved. And...

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