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Job Ad (Trainee)

Community Law Partnership An opportunity to join our exciting team We have a vacancy for a Trainee Solicitor in our central Birmingham office. For more information and to download an application pack visit our website...

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Expensive choices

One of a couple of cases on intentional homelessness and affordability of accommodation. Noel & Anor v London Borough of Hillingdon (2103) CA (Civ Div) 21 November 2013 [Lawtel note, not on Bailii yet] [Update 11/12/13, now on bailii] N had...

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Wrong to RTB

I see that the Master of the Rolls has just issued a practice direction in respect of (what appears to be) many tens (if not hundreds?) of negligence claims arising out of RTB sales (see here). Reading between the lines, a firm called Tandem Law...

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Sleepwalking into error

I've posted before about the vexed issue of s.81, Housing Act 1996 and default judgments (see here for the most recent county court case; note also the comments to that post which explain that Woodfall has changed its mind). Well, we now have...

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