The answer appears to be when it is only for access! Bristol City Council v Digs (Bristol) Ltd [2014] EWHC 869 (Admin) We first reported on this case briefly as a decision of the Bristol Magistrates Court. It has now been appealed by way of case...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Minimum Space (standards)
This is a post by Alan Richards, a journalist and blogger on legal matters, financial affairs, politics and economics, who blogs at Alrich. We are happy to add it to the blog, dealing as it does with size standards for housing, both social and...
A game of forfeits
The flexible tenancy, that marvellous and oxymoronic invention of the Localism Act, is now in place and in use by a number of Councils. The last time I considered flexible tenancies it was largely about how they were created and how they were...
Room use and Uratemp
A successful FTT bedroom tax appeal in Birkenhead has raised some new questions over 'room use' as an argument. The decision notice is here (HT Speyejoe). The appellant had moved into the '3 bedroom' property on marriage. He and his wife had lived...
Article 8 and the Private Sector
In one sense, the possession claim in Manchester Ship Canal Developments v Persons Unknown [2014] EWHC 645 (Ch) follows a fairly predictable course. The Defendants were a group of activists who had set up camp on Barton Moss Lane, Manchester, in...
I don’t like reg.8, no no… I love it
Mohamoud v Birmingham CC [2014] EWCA Civ 227 As all of our readers doubtless know, the way that decision making in homelessness cases works is something like this: a first decision is made by someone on behalf of a local housing authority; if that...
So Article 8 isn’t always useless then?
Any keen follower of housing law (no laughing for those of you who have stumbled across this blog for the first time; we do exist) will know that the decade long struggle surrounding the admissibility of the Article 8 defence culminated mainly in...
Bedroom tax notes, only just out of date.
I was one half of a seminar at Garden Court Chambers on Thursday last week on the bedroom tax for housing advisors. The excellent Liz Davies of Garden Court tackled the Court of Appeal decisions in MA & Ors and the benefit cap judgment in SG...
March miscellany
A couple of bits and pieces. The DWP has issued a circular in the wake of the Court of Appeal judgment in MA & Ors, R (on the application of) v The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2014] EWCA Civ 13 (Our report coming soon,...
Basically, we are all…
Associated Electrical Industries Ltd v Alstom UK [2014] EWHC 430 is the latest case to be handed down in the post Jackson/Mitchell dystopian legal world (see here, here and here for our other notes). Andrew Smith J (who you may remember was one of...
Housing and Human Rights Round-Up Pt 2
Pelipenko v Russia 16/1/14 We reported the ECtHR's decision on the merits here. There now follows the Chamber's decision on the claim for just satisfaction. The Applicants' claim for the breaches of Art 6 and Art 8 broke down into 4 parts: 1. the...
Legal Advice in Lewisham?
We have been asked to circulate the following. Given the difficulty people face in accessing housing advice and representation in this area, we are very happy to do so. This is for anyone who lives or works in the borough of Lewisham. You will know...