This is potentially huge. There could be millions of pounds at stake and possibly many councils and housing associations affected. It might only mean a pound or so per tenant per week, but definitely 37,000 and potentially 375,000 tenants are involved, over...
Scenes from a disaster
The Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee has begun an enquiry into homelessness. The written submissions from Councils, charities, campaigners, professional organisations and others are a stark illustration of a homeless system that is,...
Is a mere roof enough?
Niema Abdusemed v Lambeth LBC (2016) QBD (Admin) (Ouseley J) 19/02/2016 (Not on Bailli yet. On lawtel as note of extempore judgment). An application for interim relief in a judicial review of Lambeth's refusal to provide interim accommodation pending review...
Fresca-Judd v Golovina, High Court (QBD) 5 February 2015, Holman J (Not on Bailii, available on lawtel or via notes here and here) Ms Golvina had rented a cottage from Ms Fresca-Judd. The rent was some £2,800 per month. Ms Golvina was away from the cottage...
Failing on systematic failings
Edwards & Ors, R (on the application of) v Birmingham City Council [2016] EWHC 173 (Admin) This was a quite extraordinary judicial review (or rather four joined judicial review claims with another 16 cases put in evidence in support) in which what was in...
EU ineligibility for housing
Mirga and Samin v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions & Anor [2016] UKSC 1 In Mr Samin's appeal, the Supreme Court considered the meaning of “a person from abroad who is not eligible for housing assistance” section 185(1) of Housing Act 1996 (as...
High Court enforcement continued
In what has turned into a continuing series, there are further updates on enforcement of possession orders via the High Court, obtaining writs and the scandalous conduct of many High Court Enforcement Officers. (Previous posts here and here) Secretary of...
O Tempora O More*
Older readers may recall the saga of Charles Henry & Co (aka Legal Action. No, not that Legal Action), the pretend solicitors, run by Kevin Gregory. See chronologically here, here, here and here. That calamity is still playing out, with both Charles...
Find a new place to dwell
Or spousal rights after notice to quit served by joint tenant. Derwent Housing Association Limited v Taylor, Court of Appeal (Civ Div) 19 January 2016 (unreported as far as I can see, apart from this note by Shoosmiths, for which we are suitably grateful)....
Discrimination in allocation
Courtesy of Garden Court North Chambers and Joseph Markus of GCN is this note of a settled judicial review claim on an allocation policy's local connection requirements. R (VC) v North Somerset Council (Equality and Human Rights Commission intervening)...
February is the cruellest month
Monday 1 February 2016 sees the commencement of the 'Right to Rent' regulations in all of England. All new private tenancies, sub-tenancies, lodgings, and licences (including property guardians) will be caught if it is the occupant's main residence....
Preferring Burnip: Discrimination without justification
Rutherford & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Work & Pensions [2016] EWCA Civ 29 The Court of Appeal tackles the bedroom tax and discrimination again, and, a year on from MA & Ors, there is quite a difference. The two...