It is rare, if we are entirely honest, for a First Tier Tribunal decision on service charges to be exciting. It is even rarer for there to be mystery and police raids, and "Immunity from Treason" notices, and debts of "Trillions of pounds", and something...
Not looked into enough to be unaware
Trindade v London Borough of Hackney (2017) EWCA Civ 942 A second appeal of a homeless decision that Ms T was intentionally homeless, on the issues of whether Ms T's actions were "an act or omission in good faith on the part of a person who was unaware of...
On the naughty step – Physician heal thyself edition
If Nearly Legal has a mantra, it is this: "Everyone should have a housing lawyer with them at all times". Or, at the bare minimum, a landlord and tenant lawyer. We had taken the reasonableness of this to be self-evident. However, it seems even this basic...
Education and out of borough homeless accommodation
This is going to be a very short post on a very long judgment - 275 paragraphs worth. The main case was on the right to education under article 2 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, in relation to a local authority's failure to...
Warrant on Suspended order – What do you think?
Following the judgment in Cardiff City Council v Lee (2016) EWCA Civ 1034 (our report) and the subsequent appearance of new forms, at least for rent arrears suspended possession order cases, the Civil Procedure Rules Committee is having a consultation on...
Legal Aid: Rights, wrongs and the Lord Chancellor
I wrote at some length about legal aid, tenants rights and Grenfell Tower here (the third of the 'myths'). Sara Stephens (my esteemed colleague - full disclosure) also explained the situation in a Legal Voice article here. But still it rumbles on, including...
“Real misery is being caused to no good purpose”
DA & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2017) EWHC 1446 (Admin) This was the judicial review of the 'reduced' benefit cap - £20,000 pa outside London, £23,000 in London, brought by claimants who were all single...
Bedrooms, river beds and more
A few things... In case you didn't see it through email or social media, I wrote a long piece about social housing in the aftermath of Grenfell Tower, which is on a separate page at that link. In Scotland, the Inner House of the Court of Session heard an...
Making it up as you go.
C, R (on the application of) v The London Borough of Islington (2017) EWHC 1288 (Admin) C was accepted for the full housing duty by Islington, with her 3 children, as a result of domestic violence. C is profoundly deaf. She had been living in Southwark, but...
Service charge disputes and recovery of costs
Bretby Hall Management Company Ltd v Pratt [2017] UKUT 70 (LC) This was an appeal to the UT on various issue arising from an FTT decision. We will not dwell on the issue of specific charges not being consulted on under s.20, but not - as the UT found,...
Homeless duties, human rights and suitability decisions
Poshteh v Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea [2017] UKSC 36 (For our report of the Court of Appeal decision, see here). For the facts of the case, see the earlier post. In short, Ms Posheth had refused an offer of accommodation in discharge of duty...
Regrette rien
R (oao Sambotin) v London Borough of Brent (2017) EWHC 1190 (Admin) Once a local authority has made a homeless decision under section 184 Housing Act 1996, can it change its mind? That was the issue in this judicial review. Mr S had applied to Brent as...