[update 22 Jan. The initial version of this post suggested that ARLA advice on providing the How to Rent Guide had been that a link was sufficient. I am very happy to be corrected on this - ARLA did not so advise and had themselves raised this issue in 2016....
A failure to engage – ‘Medical advisors’ on homeless vulnerability
Cherry v LB Tower Hamlets. County Court at Central London, 11th January 2018 This is a s.204 appeal of a 'not vulnerable' review decision by LB Tower Hamlets. It is of particular interest because of the consideration of the role and place of the 'medical...
Fitness for Human Habitation is go!
The Homes (Fitness for Habitation and Liability for Housing Standards) Bill passed second reading on 19 January, with a unanimous vote. The debate (interrupted by a Ministerial statement) is here and here. Because I can't resist, here are Karen Buck's...
‘How to rent’ Guide updated – important for all PRS landlords and tenants
A quick note to highlight that the MHCLG 'How to rent' booklet was updated on 17 January 2018. Apparently this was just to remove references to the 'London Rental Standard'. However, this is still important. For all new assured shorthold tenancies, the...
Fitness for Habitation – now with Govt support.
I am delighted, and delighted for Karen Buck MP, to be able to say that her Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation and Liability for Housing Standards) Bill now has government support as well as that of the Labour opposition. (Previous posts on the then draft...
Protection from neighbours – no duty
CN & Anor v Poole Borough Council (2017) EWCA Civ 2185 What, if any, duty is owed by a local authority to children to protect them from abuse and harassment by neighbours? This court of appeal decision suggests none in negligence. CN and GN lived with...
Not 2017
I was going to do the usual roundup of the year post, but frankly, it was all too depressing. You all know what has happened, hasn't happened and ought to have happened. About that best that can be said is that the awful bits of the Housing And Planning Act...
The Bedworth bedroom conundrum
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council v RH and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2017) UKUT 471 (AAC) A very interesting (and perhaps surprising) Upper Tribunal 3 judge decision on the issue of 'what is a bedroom' for the purposes of Housing Benefit...
Fewer floors for HMOs and minimum room sizes.
The Housing Minister, Alok Sharma, has confirmed that the Government will be going ahead with its proposals to change the conditions for a mandatory license for HMOs to any property with 5 or more occupants in 2 or more households, regardless of the layout...
Cat amongst the pigeons
In an interview in the Independent, Jeremy Corbyn has apparently announced that it will be Labour policy to end 'no fault' private sector evictions: Asked whether abolishing the “no fault” evictions would be part of the next Labour manifesto, he replied:...
Ex parte’d, airbnb’d, departed
JKMK Consultancy Ltd v Goldie Properties Ltd, QBD, 18 December 2017 (Note on lawtel, otherwise unreported) The run up to Christmas in any housing practice is usually awash with interim injunction threats and preparation. Lack of heating, hot water,...
The good, the bad and the ugly.
In a week of depressing, worrying news on homelessness - of which more below - there were at least two bits of good news. First, in Gureckis, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] EWHC 3298 (Admin) the Government's...