I was going to do the usual roundup of the year post, but frankly, it was all too depressing. You all know what has happened, hasn't happened and ought to have happened. About that best that can be said is that the awful bits of the Housing And Planning Act...
The Bedworth bedroom conundrum
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council v RH and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2017) UKUT 471 (AAC) A very interesting (and perhaps surprising) Upper Tribunal 3 judge decision on the issue of 'what is a bedroom' for the purposes of Housing Benefit...
Fewer floors for HMOs and minimum room sizes.
The Housing Minister, Alok Sharma, has confirmed that the Government will be going ahead with its proposals to change the conditions for a mandatory license for HMOs to any property with 5 or more occupants in 2 or more households, regardless of the layout...
Cat amongst the pigeons
In an interview in the Independent, Jeremy Corbyn has apparently announced that it will be Labour policy to end 'no fault' private sector evictions: Asked whether abolishing the “no fault” evictions would be part of the next Labour manifesto, he replied:...
Ex parte’d, airbnb’d, departed
JKMK Consultancy Ltd v Goldie Properties Ltd, QBD, 18 December 2017 (Note on lawtel, otherwise unreported) The run up to Christmas in any housing practice is usually awash with interim injunction threats and preparation. Lack of heating, hot water,...
The good, the bad and the ugly.
In a week of depressing, worrying news on homelessness - of which more below - there were at least two bits of good news. First, in Gureckis, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] EWHC 3298 (Admin) the Government's...
“I made him aware he is very lucky”
A Local Government Ombudsman Report on the actions of Maidstone Borough Council towards a homeless household makes for depressing reading. Both for the actions (and inactions) of the Council and for what it lays bare about the attitude to the homeless. Mr...
Premature forfeiture
A couple of quick notes on forfeiture of leases. Cheerupmate2 Ltd v Calce (2017) UKUT 377 (TCC) Forfeiture for ground rent arrears was not valid because: a) The wrong notice under s.166 Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 had been served. The notice was...
And the first shall not be last
London Borough of Haringey v Ahmed & Anor (2017) EWCA Civ 1861 This was Haringey's appeal of a High Court decision dismissing Haringey's claim for possession against Ms Ahmed (our report here). A factual precis is that in 1988 two tenancy agreements...
Incurred and incurred again
Under section 20B(1) Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, a service charge must be demanded of the tenant within 18 months of the relevant cost having been incurred by the landlord. But what happens when there is a head landlord demanding a charge from an...
Doing the same thing all over again
Walcott v Jones & Jones. Central London County Court, 15 November 2017 (Not on Bailii. A note on Lawtel) A county court appeal, on an issue that quite a few (though mostly not practitioners) have raised with me elsewhere. Does a periodic tenancy count as...
Accelerated but longer
HMCTS have released a new N5B claim form - the claim form for accelerated possession proceedings after service of a section 21 notice. The new form (finally?!) takes into account all of the post 1 October 2015 changes to the validity of a section 21 notice....