Gibbs v Lakeside Developments Ltd (2018) EWCA Civ 2874 Oh dear... Behind the key point in this case lies a history of unfortunate things. But what fell to be decided by the court of appeal is whether, in a leasehold forfeiture case, the lessee could succeed...
Build defects and fitness for habitation
Rendlesham Estates Plc & Ors v Barr Ltd (2014) EWHC 3968 (TCC) Well, we did write this one up at the time (our report here), but I don't think we quite appreciated the general significance of the case. We certainly didn't anticipate that it might...
Fitness for Habitation – a thumbnail guide
As of 20 December 2018, we have the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018. This is a quick (very quick) overview of the Act and how it works. For a more detailed version, there may well be a forthcoming book... The Act amends the Landlord and Tenant...
Finally! – Fitness for Human Habitation passes
The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill passed Third Reading in the House of Lords on 19 December. If you are reading this on 20 December, it might even already be an Act, as it may receive royal assent on 20 December. The Bill/Act provides that it...
Hiatus brief updates (and job ad)
Quick couple of cases to note (no analysis), a bit of news and a job ad. Two linked appeals on out of borough/out of London Homelessness review decisions - Alibkhiet v London Borough of Brent v City of Westminster (2018) EWCA Civ 2742 Upper Tribunal (Lands...
Of HHSRS and Hiatuses
A couple of things... MHCLG have issued an "Addendum for the profile for the hazard of fire and in relation to cladding systems on high rise residential buildings" to the operating guidance to the HHSRS in relation to ACM cladding. The aim is: to provide...
All out of Proportion
We saw the case of McDonald v McDonald through the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court found that as between private parties, there was no right to a proportionality review of eviction under the Section 21 possession claim procedure....
Improvement clauses needing improvement
Network Homes Ltd v Harlow (2018) EWHC 3120 (Ch) An object lesson in the need for clarity in tenancy agreements. This was an appeal from a first instance decision of HHJ Luba QC. Mr H was Network's assured tenant of a flat in a block used for a sheltered...
Challenging service charges that aren’t yours, and views on housing in the courts
I'm not going to go into detail on Gateway Holdings (NWB) Ltd v McKenzie & Anor (LANDLORD AND TENANT - SERVICE CHARGES) [2018] UKUT 371 (LC) but it does set out a point of principle. Ms McKenzie, the current leaseholder, sought to challenge service...
A Housing Court – MHCLG have some odd questions for you.
And so the promised 'call for evidence' on the need for and outline of a specialist Housing Court has come to pass. And, frankly, what an odd thing it is. First, the MCHLG press release is headed Except the one thing that is definitely not happening in this...
The way of the Wilsons
With a sense of grinding inevitability, and a smidgen of schadenfreude, once more Fergus and Judith Wilson feature in these pages. (Here is the previous trail). This time, the appearance is for Judith Wilson being found guilty of failing to comply with a...
Residential Purposes
Snarecroft Ltd v Quantum Securities Ltd (2018) EWHC 2071 (Ch) This is a High Court decision from February, but it has just appeared on Bailii. The issue was the construction of a lease term which provided that the tenant must "Following the obtaining of...