A few Upper Tribunal appeals on rent repayment orders, in particular on the level of award, conduct and mitigating factors. Aytan & Ors v Moore & Ors (HOUSING - RENT REPAYMENT ORDER) (2022) UKUT 27 (LC) We're late to this one from January 2022, but...
Job ad – Milton Keynes
BLACKBIRD SOLICITORS LTD Name: Housing Solicitor (Consultant and Permanent) Job Description: Housing, Debt & Welfare benefit Solicitor Reports to: Head of Housing Department Reported to by: All Staff Main Purpose: To undertake casework independently to...
Rabbit holes to fall down
In case you are in need of distraction from the heat/the tory leadership contest/getting your first, second or third bout of covid/the general state of all things, may I present a small collection of judgments at which to rubberneck. None seem massively...
Affordability and intentional homelessness – assessments and guidance
Baptie v The Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames (2022) EWCA Civ 888 This was a second appeal, brought by RBKT from a s.204 appeal that had overturned their decision that Ms Baptie was intentionally homeless from a housing association property due to rent...
Job ads. Hundreds of them (well, five).
Shelter Solicitor £39,139 per annum plus excellent benefits Sheffield or Norwich Closing date: 24 July 2022 at 11.30pm Do you have the legal knowledge it takes to deliver strategic change through legal challenge to improve services for the homeless and those...
U definitely can’t do this.
Hammad & Hammad v Paolini. County Court at Clerkenwell & Shoreditch. 27 June 2022 (We've seen a note of judgment) Yes, even while large chunks of the government resign and (as of this point in the evening of 5 July, it looks likely that Carrie...
Job ads – Norwich
Shelter Legal Advisers £27,896 (pro rata if part time*) Norwich Closing date: 10th July 2022 at 11:30pm *Please note we have two roles available, one full time and the other part time – 15 hours per week. Please visit our website for further information. Do...
Everyone in – Lambeth lacking a policy
R(Cort) v London Borough of Lambeth (2022) EWHC 1085 (Admin) While in some ways this is a decision on an historic context (hopefully), there is a lot in this judgment on local authority approaches to housing in a public health emergency to consider. This was...
Job ad – North Somerset
Citizens Advice North Somerset Housing Solicitor Salary: £29,341 pro rata Hours: Up to 37.5 hours per week with an opportunity for job share Contract: Permanent Location: Locations across North Somerset Citizens Advice North Somerset are looking to recruit a...
We don’t need no tariffs
Khan v Mehmood (2022) EWCA Civ 791 (Housing Law Practitioners Association intervening) This was, it has to be said, in part a rather odd appeal to the Court of Appeal. The background was a rent arrears possession claim by Ms Khan and a defence and disrepair...
The Trecarrell Conundrum revisited
Byrne v Harwood-Delgardo. Luton County Court. 21 June 2022. (Copy of Judgment) In my comments to our post on the Court of Appeal judgment in Trecarrell House Limited v Rouncefield (2020) EWCA Civ 760, I pointed out that the judgment only addressed late...
Not incidental enough
Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets v Khan (2022) EWCA Civ 831 A Court of Appeal judgment on whether a freeholder, LB Tower Hamlets, was entitled to contractual legal costs under the lease, following a money claim for unpaid service...