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Giles Peaker

Over sensitive

Apologies to anyone who isn't a comment spammer and found themselves blocked from the blog. I was trying out 'Bad Behaviour', which promised to block suspicious activity. It did. It also blocked me. It turned out that a zealous spam IP blacklist that the...

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Public Law 2.0

Nick Holmes has a very interesting post at Binary Law on the future of Law publishing in a world of social software. I've been wondering about similar things recently, both in general and in particular, following an examination of my server logs, and Nick...

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Spitting feathers

Background. Another disrepair case against a private landlord. Another successful application for default judgement, granted about 6 months ago. Solid evidence. All the directions for quantum hearing complied with by us, to nil response from the landlord....

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Obvious filler 2

Part 2 of what is likely to be an intermittent series, appearing when I'm lazy enough and my logs provide material. Yes, it is time for search engine queries that brought people here, answered by Nearly Legal. And this time round, my earlier advice has been...

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A percentage game.

Readers may remember that I was concerned to the point of cyncism about the revelation that the Community Legal Service Direct phone line managed a referral rate to solicitors of 13%. I have now heard that the contracts for the pilot Community Legal Aid...

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Kafka didn't do dialogue

But I am very impressed that Brian Barder, the ex-SIAC lay member who resigned on principle does. Mr Barder commented on my post via the trackback at his blog. I've posted a comment in response, but I'd like to post his comment and my response here, for two...

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Ah yes, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission. Lest we forget, this is the tribunal which hears evidence that is so secret that the Defendant isn't allowed to know what it is, and in which there is no need for the Defendant to actually be charged with...

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