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Giles Peaker

Retrospective CFAs

Forde v Birmingham City Council [2008] EWHC 90105 (Costs) In brief, where a firm had asked a client to sign a second CFA for a disrepair claim, at a time when it appeared that the first CFA might be found unenforceable, and the second CFA provided for a...

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What is a locality?

R (on the application of Heffernan) (FC) (Appellant) v The Rent Service) (Respondents) [2008] UK 58 concerns the meaning of locality in para 4(6) of Part 1 Schedule 1 Rent Officers (Housing Benefit Functions) Order 1997. Locality serves to define the area by...

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Care and Attention

R (on the application of M) (FC) (Respondent) v Slough Borough Council [2008] UKHL 52 is a House of Lords case concerning Local Authority obligations under the National Assistance Act 1948, and specifically when the authority is obliged to arrange and pay...

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Disrepair protocol costs

Birmingham City Council v Lee [2008] EWCA Civ 891 concerns claimant's costs incurred while following the disrepair pre-action protocol. It is not uncommon for a landlord to do repairs after an early notification letter, or letter of claim, but pre issue (not...

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