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Assured Shorthold tenancy
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Introductory and Demoted tenancies
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Unlawful eviction and harassment
Giles Peaker

Unsung heroes?

Under the banner of 'Unsung Heroes', LAPG is inviting nominations for the 6th annual Legal Aid Laywer of the year awards. The categories are Criminal Defence Mental Health Family Legal aid firm/not-for-profit-agency Young Solicitor Barrister Immigration and...

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Institutionally racist

We are not institutionally racist. SRA October 2007 This is not housing law related, but it is of significance to many in the sector. Lord Ouseley, the former head of the Commission for Racial Equality, was jointly commissioned by the Solicitors Regulatory...

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ASB corner

The August 2008 Legal Action contains a couple of cases concerning anti-social behaviour possession claims that weren't recorded elsewhere. Ealing LBC v Jama B5/08/0104 was a Court of Appeal matter. Mrs Jama was Ealing's secure tenant of a two bed property....

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Amour fou

Unsurprisingly, the papers and blawgers have been all over the story of Kylie McGrath, detained under the Mental Health Act after breaking into the home of solicitor Emma Eardley, whom McGrath had been stalking for over two years. McGrath began as Eardley's...

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It's oh so quiet…

Or at least after last week's tsunami of housing cases, it is quiet. This is good because I am a) perversely very busy, what with everyone else being on holiday, and b) behind the serene exterior of the blog, there is intense plotting and organising going...

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