Nearly Legal is on holiday for a bit. Don't expect anything much before early January. Unless, of course, something comes up, or a whim takes one or more of us by force. A well earned rest to all our readers, before a doubtless to be frenzied 2009.
Refusing Temporary Accommodation
Once someone is in temporary accommodation, following an acceptance of the full housing duty to a homeless person by the local authority, what happens when that temporary accommodation becomes unreasonable for the household to continue to occupy, but...
EU Workers and housing eligibility
Barry v London Borough of Southwark [2008] EWCA Civ 1440 concerned an EEA national's eligibility for social housing, via a Part VII application. EEA 'workers' are eligible for housing assistance as they are not persons subject to immigration control for the...
Expanding the Public Law defence, a bit
What Doherty v Birmingham City Council (Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government intervening) [2008] UKHL 57 actually means for a public law defence to possession claims, particularly summary possession, was the subject of London Borough of...
Homeless review, Reg 8(2) and changed facts
Reg 8(2) of the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Review Procedures) Regulations 1999 provides that if a reviewing officer on s.202 review considers: that there is deficiency or irregularity in the original [s.184] decision, or the manner in which it...
A Post-Doherty Appeal?
Doherty v Birmingham CC [2008] 3 WLR 636 left us all wondering about the form and limits of a challenge to summary possession proceedings. My attempt at smuggling proportionality into a public law defence settled, for instance -good for the client, rather...
Knowsley v White etc. in more detail
Knowsley HT v White, Honeyghan-Green v LB Islington & Porter v Shepherds Bush Housing Association [2008] UKHL 70 - for anyone who hasn't read it yet. There is lots to unpick here, so I'll go case by case. It is made easier by there being pretty much one...
Payments to return and Art 8.
AC, R (on the application of) v Birmingham City Council [2008] EWHC 3036 (Admin) was a judicial review which concerned funding for an illegal overstayer and her family under s.17 Children Act 1989, although it would also apply for s.20 funding. The Claimant...
Tis aw a muddle
A reminder, if one was needed, of the perils and pitfalls of constructive trust cases can be found in Elithorn v Poulter & Others [2008] EWCA Civ 1364 The problems in this case were not just the confused and confusing evidence (not only that of Dr...
On the naughty step
Please welcome to the naughty step the head of housing for Norwich City Council, Kristine Reeves, along with other council officers. Why? Some pernicious housing policy or dodgy choice based letting scheme? No. Ms Reeves took a rather more personal interest...
Tolerated trespassers in the House of Lords
For once we were well and truly beaten to the line in publicly announcing a judgment, and in this instance most deservedly so. At about 11 am at the Housing Law Conference Jan Luba QC announced the result of Knowsley HT v White, Honeyghan-Green v LB...
Housing Law Conference clash
So, the Housing Law conference is tomorrow, 10 December, and I suspect a swathe of the Nearly Legal contributors will be there. I will, anyway. Naturally this coincides precisely with the House of Lords handing down one of the more significant housing...