R (Prince) v Social Security Commissioners & SoS for the DWP & London Borough of Southwark (Interested parties)[2009] EWHC 1181 (Admin) concerns what can only be described as a bit of a chancer. Mr Prince had claimed Jobseekers Allowance. He had also claimed...
Age Assessment and Medical Reports
Apologies for not getting this one out on Friday or over the weekend. It was on my list, but, frankly, the details of this were off my usual turf and it took an hour or several to digest and fit in place. So, only a day or so late... A v London Borough of...
Such Sweet Surrender
I'd missed this case from a couple of months ago and it would be fair to say it doesn't concern our usual kind of tenancy - the rent was £390,000 a year and complaints of disrepair concerned a malfunctioning swimming pool - but it does address the conditions...
The importance of not being earnest
Via a somewhat convoluted route, we have received news of a cautionary tale from Croydon. Consider it an illustration of the need to use conditional language when writing about something which is supposed to happen but which is outside of your control. It is...
Outsourced temporary accommodation
Many local authorities use private accommodation for temporary accommodation under Housing Act 1996 Part VII. This may be by an LA ALMO 'managing agency', on which more at another time, or by licence agreements with private agencies. One of the latter came...
Tenancy Deposit – it gets worse
Hat tip to Tessa at Landlord Law for this. There are reports on various tenant/landlord forums of tenants losing Housing Act 2004 claims for 3x deposit on unprotected deposit/lack of notification cases where the landlord has returned the deposit to the...
Request for info
Garden Court's bulletin of 27 April includes a case note, Thornhill v Sita Metal Recycling Cambridge Ltd [2009] All ER (D) 162, on nuisance, possession of and interest in land. The upshot being that the nature of a claimant's legal interest in land is by the...
Constructive trust and misrepresentation
Qayyum v Hameed & Anor [2009] EWCA Civ 352 is a case with a complicated background - it originated in the collapse of BCCI, for heaven's sake - but thankfully, the issues in this appeal were relatively straightforward, if novel. In 1991 Mr & Mrs Qayyum...
Tenancy Deposit on 'Renewal of Tenancy'
Our grateful thanks to the Painsmith blog again for news of another Tenancy Deposit case (and for giving me something to write about in these case bereft times). This is a County Court case on the issue of 'renewal' of a tenancy that started before April...
In the continuing absence of anything like actual case law, here are some news items and catch up bits on previous stories. The Government has announced the availability of its Homeowner Mortgage Support Scheme. This is available for those with mortgages up...
It's not that we've stopped posting lately, it's just that there has been nothing to write about. There is lots to come - Weaver v L&Q in the Court of Appeal, Moran v Manchester, Aweys v Birmingham in the Lords (all heard, I believe, and judgments awaited);...
On the Naughty Step- allegedly
The CAB in Wales appears to have branched out into inadvertent wealth re-distribution, allegedly by way and end of Dale and Sally Foster now on trial at Swansea County Court. The Fosters ran the CAB office at Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, together. In fact,...