[Update 03/04/2011 - the Court of Appeal decision on the further appeal in this case is here.] Makisi v Birmingham City Council (Birmingham County Court Appeal Ref: BM9 0166A, 6 Jan 2010) This was the County Court hearing of a s.204 Housing Act 1996 appeal...
Rent arrears, transfers and Weaver in operation
McIntyre & Anor, R (on the application of) v Gentoo Group Ltd [2010] EWHC 5 (Admin) This was the judicial review of North Sunderland Housing Company's refusal to permit an exchange of homes by the Claimants, joint assured tenants, with another NSHC...
It's a confused world out there…
And for the new year, it seems an opportune moment to delve into the Nearly Legal search logs in a vaguely quixotic attempt to provide answers to some of the questions that brought people here. Alternatively, where this is not possible, we can stare in mute...
Ending 'Horsham' possessions?
The Ministry of Justice has issued a consultation document on a proposal to require mortgage lenders to obtain a court order or the consent of the borrower before repossessing and selling residential owner-occupied homes. (The consultation document is here)....
That was the year, that was…
But we're not going to do a 'roundup of the year' kind of post. It is all searchably there and anyway, we've already linked to one (although it is probably subscribers only by now). Instead, I just wanted to gaze at our collective navel a little and say a...
Birmingham Council Gatekeeping, with benefit of transcript
Kelly & Mehari v Birmingham CC [2009] EWHC 3240 (Admin) [Not on Bailii yet, available on Lawtel] Following our note here (and the very helpful comment to it) we've got the transcript of the judgment. (In fact I've had it for a few days, but it has been hell...
Care homes, consultation and the DDA
Boyejo & Ors, R (on the application of) v Barnet London Borough Council [2009] EWHC 3261 (Admin) This was the conjoined hearing of an application for Judicial Review of both Barnet and Portsmouth Councils, both JRs bought by Yvonne Hossack and here...
Physical violence only
Yemshaw v Hounslow LBC (2009) CA (Civ Div) 15/12/2009 [only as Lawtel note so far] This was an appeal to the Court of Appeal from a s.202 appeal on the issue of what 'violence' in s.177(1) Housing Act 1996 meant. S.177(1) provides that it is not reasonable...
Disrepair miscellany
The December Legal Action also has the annual housing repairs update. A big tip of the hat to Beatrice Prevatt. We've covered most of the cases here, but there are some others that are well worth a mention... Brunskill v Mulcahy [2009] EWCA Civ 686 (no link)...
Unlawful eviction quantum again
Aricioglu v Kaan Clerkenwell & Shoreditch County Court, 16 October 2009. The December 2009 Legal Action Housing Updates included this County Court claim for harassment and unlawful eviction. Mr A rented a room in a shared house from Mr K for £75 per week in...
Pinnock Permission
We've just heard that Pinnock in Manchester CC v Pinnock has been given permission by the Supreme Court. Our note of the Court of Appeal case is here ([2009] EWCA Civ 852). We had wondered about permission after Central Beds v Taylor was refused. I would...
New Local Authority Allocation Guidance
DCLG has released the new Code of Guidance for Local Authority allocation of housing. There is a slightly unfinished page about it here and a press release here. The Code of Guidance itself is here [link to pdf]. We will come back to the Guidance in a proper...